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Você está em: Início > A Methodology for the Identification and Assessment of the Conditions for the Practice of Outdoor and Sport Tourism-Related Activities: The Case of Northern Portugal > A Methodology for the Identification and Assessment of the Conditions for the Practice of Outdoor and Sport Tourism-Related Activities: The Case of Northern Portugal

A Methodology for the Identification and Assessment of the Conditions for the Practice of Outdoor and Sport Tourism-Related Activities: The Case of Northern Portugal

Ficha Técnica

Data de Publicação: 27 de Setembro de 2021.
Data de Actualização: 11 de Outubro de 2021.
Data de Caducidade: 31 de Dezembro de 2021.
Fonte Emissora: Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão
Mais Informações: Catarina Pereira
Introduzido Por: Catarina Pereira