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Post Graduation in Human Resources Management

Este curso encontra-se homologado no âmbito do Processo de Bolonha.

Bologna Process: Adequado
Acronym: PGGRH
Academic Degree: Post-graduation
  • Gestão de Recursos Humanos
Start: 2000/2001
Director: Protásio de Matos Carneiro Leão
Study Plan:


// Course Description
The Post Graduation in Human Resources Management prepares participants to move into more complex positions within human resources management, with a strong scientific training. The sessions will allow participants to act in the context of simulation and case studies, reinforcing skills for higher levels of management and administration.

// Scientific Course Coordinator
Master Protásio Leão, Specialist

// Receivers
- Entrepreneurs, senior managers and other heads of business and other organisations;
- Consultants and other professionals who advise companies in the area of Human Resources.

// Objectives
- Equate the human resources management in new management contexts;
- Develop new human resources management tools and applications;
- Enable a knowledge of the language and way of thinking in the field of human resources management;
- Frame the human resources function as a specific function in the organization and as a management philosophy;
- Identify, analyze and define priorities for a daily basis work;
- Reinforce concentration and more decisive actions in priority Human Resources activities;
- To know the trends in collective hiring work and european social dialogue;
- Develop skills to build personal influence;
- Promote the development of suportive skills to organizational management.

// Operation Mode

Duration: 132 hours - 21 ECTS
Application Deadline: October, 8, 2021
Beginning of the course: 11 October, 2021

The classes will take place, preferably, two days (Thursday and Fridays) per week, from 19H30 to 22H30 and exceptionally on Wednesdays. Courses will be interrupted during Christmas, Carnival, Easter and August.

// Curricular Structure and Faculty Members

Legal-Labor Context: José Paulo Carvalho

Organizational Behavior and Culture, Skills Management: Filipa Pires

Talent Management: Inês Neto

Strategic Human Resources Management - Structure, Function and Evaluation: Protásio Leão

Training Management and Human Resources Development: Emanuel Sousa

Recruitment and Selection, Employer Brand: Ana Mendes 

Seminars: Several Invited Speakers

// Investment
Application: 100 €
Insurance: 30 €
Registration: 200 €
Tuition Fee: 2.650,50 €


» Special conditions for students and Alumni ISAG.

// Methods of Payment
- Tuition Prompt Payment (enjoy 5% of discount)
- Tuition 2 instalments (enjoy 2% of discount)
- Quarterly Tuition (no discount of any kind)

Offer of Certificate of attendance/ Diploma of conclusion.

// Why ISAG?
Highly Specialized Faculty | Connection to the international market | Training Credits | Post Working Hours | Special Bank Credit for study purposes | New Campus with wide and green spaces


For more informations: http://programasexecutivos.isag.pt |  executiveacademy@isag.pt

Phone: +351 220 303 200 | +351 220 303 239 

Email: ingressos@isag.pt | programas.executivos@isag.pt | executiveacademy@isag.pt

Opening hours: 09H00 to 13H00  |  14H00 to 19H30