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Spanish Language for Business

Code: GCI209    Acronym: LEN

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Modern Languages


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
CTSPGC Aviso n.º 13083/2018_Novo Plano 4 ECTS 30 107

Hours Effectively Taught


Theoretical-Practical: 29,50

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical-Practical: 2,00

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

Descriptive summary of curricular unit
This curricular unit aims the progressive acquisition of semantic and pragmatic knowledge of grammar, and vocabulary through comprehension and written and oral expression.

Objectives and expected learning outcomes
Develop specific and depth skills of Spanish comprehension, written and oral expression (CEFR level B1) for specific purposes, namely, International Trade.

Skills to be developed
- Expert knowledge of Spanish language applied to commercial activity.
- Thorough knowledge and highly specialized in the writing of international trade proposals.
- Deep and specialized knowledge of international payment & charges systems.
- Comprehensive and specialized knowledge of insurance contracts in the international activity.
- Deep knowledge and specialized management and intercultural communication.
- Deep and specialized knowledge of customs regimes and procedures.
- Negotiate with customers / international partners.
- Compose requests for proposal / query pre-selected suppliers.
- To adapt the language to the characteristics of the interlocutors.
- Identify the regulatory constraints of foreign markets.
- Using research techniques and information gathering in order to obtain market information, available in various media.
- Identify and select target markets according to the specific characteristics of foreign markets.
- Set priorities and organize work.
- Demonstrate methodical analysis capabilities of critical information.
- Demonstrate availability, courtesy and respect for others in the relationship with different partners.
- Demonstrate flexibility adapting to different situations and professional contexts (eg intercultural) and avoiding situations of conflict or confrontation.
- Adapt the language to the interlocutors.


I. Thematic and Lexical contents:
1. Contacts / business relationships with customers / dealers / suppliers / other service providers / relevant official services in Spanish language
1.1. Personal assistance
1.2. Telephone answering
1.3. Meetings (attendance and distance)
2. visits, trips and missions abroad
2.1. oral and written contacts with hotels, travel agencies and transpor,
2.2. Reservations
2.3. Other situations: food, places, directions, etc.
3. Business correspondence relevant to the international trade activity
3.1. Formal aspects,
3.2. Personal presentation of documentation, the company and the products / services
3.3. Inquiries or investigation, documentation, supply proposals, budgets / prices
3.4. Order cards and payments
3.5. Response letters
3.6. complaint letters
3.7. Faxes and e-mails
4. Documentation in international trade
4.1. Business proposals
4.2. Memos, reports and summaries, purchase
4.3.Contratos and international sales
4.4. Insurance (policies, insurance contract, insurance card)
4.5. contract of carriage, delivery notes
4.6. declarative and documentary obligations in tax and customs matters.

II. Grammatical Content: All structures of A.1 and A.2. levels. Present tense revision. Past tenses revisión. Imperative. Neutral Article. Future. Present of the Conjunctive. Pluscuamperfecto past tense. Diacritic accent. Connectors. Placement of Pronouns.

III. Cultural Content: Getting used to the principal traits and differences between all Spanish speaking countries.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The syllabus is consistent with the main goal of the course: to reach the level B1 of the CEFR, and more specifically, reach expert knowledge of Spanish language applied to commercial activity, thorough knowledge and highly specialized in the writing of international trade proposals, deep and specialized knowledge of international payment & charges systems, comprehensive and specialized knowledge of insurance contracts in the international activity, deep knowledge and specialized management and intercultural communication, deep and specialized knowledge of customs regimes and procedures), as it enhances the development of oral and written Espanish comprehension and production skills in accordance with the principles defined by the Council of Europe through the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment, for the development of language programmes and curriculum guidelines.

Main literature

Cuevas Fernandes, Olga;Negocios. Manual de español profesional, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, 2021. ISBN: 9788481386240 (Contém textos e exercícios baseados em situações práticas)
Carballo Díaz, Emérita;Pratica y domina la gramática, Porto editora, 2023. ISBN: 9789720313645 (Excelente para o estudo individual. Contém múltiplos exercícios com solucionário.)

Supplementary Bibliography

http://www.aprenderespanol.org (Exercícios interativos com autocorreção)
http://www.emprendedores.es (Fundamental para conhecer o comércio e as empresas espanholas.)
Sánchez Lobato et alli.;Nuevo español 2000, SGEL Educación, 2009. ISBN: 9788497783019 (Exercícios fundamentais para consolidar conhecimentos)
Felices, A. et alli.;Epañol para el comercio mundial del siglo XXI, Edinumen, 2015. ISBN: 9788498486346
Prada, M/ Mercé, P.;Entorno laboral, Edela editores, 2017. ISBN: 9788490816066
Díaz, Ana;Falsos amigos, Editorial Lidel, 2021. ISBN: 9789897524028

Learning Methods

We use the Entorno Laboral, Edelsa, reference manual as a method of learning Spanish for professional purposes, because it has a communicative approach that favors teamwork, the use of multimedia tools and compliance with CEFR directives. Together with the reference manual, we use complementary bibliography on international trade and original trade documents.

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  30
Evaluation  Teste/Exame  3
Individual Study  Study  44
Individual Work  Trabalho laboratorial ou de campo  30
  Total: 107

Continuous Assessment

Oral individual work and one e-learning activity: podcast: 40 %
Individual written tests (2): 60% (30%+30%)

Under the General Regulation:

a) The actual presence of the students in the classes will be registered and, if the number of absences per student exceeds 30% of the total number of contact sessions provided for each course unit, it will automatically be transferred to the final evaluation of the normal period.
b) In the written tests it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 7.5 (seven comma five) values.
c) If the student fails or obtains a grade lower than 7.5 points in the written tests or assignments, he will be automatically transferred to the final evaluation of the normal season.
d) If the student is absent or gets a grade lower than 7.5 points in the second written test (held on the same date as the final written test of the normal time), he / she may apply for evaluation at the time of appeal.
e) All written academic work handled for assessment (reports, case studies, etc.) must be submitted to the Turnitin database, available on the ISAG E-Learning platform, with an acceptable similarity rate up to 30%.

Final Exam

Written exam: 100%

The student classified with 8 (eight) or 9 (nine) values in the written test will have access to an oral test.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The communicative approach and use of multimedia tools enhances and favors the acquisition of the required competences in the level to be achieved in this curricular unit by simulating and reproducing the situations in which the new user of the language will be in his professional and personal life.