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Você está em: Início > Programmes > Curricular Units > GT207
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Code: GT207    Acronym: EG

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Hospitallity


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
CTSPGT Aviso n.º 4757/2023 4 ECTS 30 107

Hours Effectively Taught


Theoretical-Practical: 3,50

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical-Practical: 2,00

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

Descriptive Summary of the curricular unit
The curricular unit of enogastronomy has as main goal that students acknowledge information on Portuguese gastronomy and national and world vitiviniculture, in order to develop skills in harmonizing dishes and wines.
To meet this, students are provided with illustrative knowledge on the history and new trends on Portuguese and World gastronomy and wines, as well as its impact on the food and beverage business and the hotel and tourism industry in general.

Objectives and learning outcomes
With this course, students should:
1. Have obtained theoretical knowledge about Portuguese and world gastronomy and the wine sector;
2. Establish the link between gastronomy and wines, as well as their harmonization
3. Materialize this harmonization in menus;
4. Develop skills in the area of building a wine list.

Skills to develop
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Perceive enogastronomy as one of the critical success points of the supply in the hospitality management area.
2. Develop the ability to design a competitive gastronomic and wine offer.
3. Maximize the profitability of the gastronomic and wine business in the context of hotel management.
4. Identify a correct wine service to be applied to the different catering concepts.


I. Gastronomy
1. Anthropology of Food
1.1. Food and its migration, historical evolution
1.2. The socio-cultural dimension of food.
1.3. Agricultural production: sustainability, waste and new production trends.
2. Portuguese products in traditional gastronomy
3. Gastronomic concepts related to eating habits and new trends
4. The economic relevance of gastronomic tourism.
5. Promotion of Gastronomic Tourism.
II. Wine
1. The wine sector in Portugal
2. The history of wine in the world.
3. Basic concepts of viticulture
4. National and international grape varieties, concept of "terroir" and Old and New World.
5. Portuguese wine regions
6. Basic concepts of oenology
7. Economic relevance of wines in the Portuguese and world economy.
III. Harmonization/Pairing
1. General harmonization theory
2. Main grape varieties and gastronomic links
IV. Elaboration of cards and wine service
1. Preparation of Menus with harmonization/pairing - tasting menus
2. Preparation of Wine Cards according to Restaurant Cards
3. Wine service techniques
V Wine Tasting and Harmonization/pairing Tasting

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The proposed program allows students to acquire knowledge and develop the skills provided for in the above objectives, insofar as:
- Themes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Chapter I - Gastronomy meet objective 1, since it characterizes the historical and current scenario of Portuguese gastronomy;
- Themes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Chapter II - Wines meet objective 1, since it characterizes the historical and current scenario of the wine sector in Portugal and in the world;
- Themes 1 and 2 of Chapter III - Harmonization meet Objective 2, due to the relationship established between the matters administered in Chapters I and II;
- Themes 1, 2 and 3 of Chapter IV - Elaboration of wine lists and service and Chapter V meets Objective 3 and 4, due to its application with practical cases, and the realization of field work appropriate to the study area.

Main literature

Gradíssimo,L. ;Enogastronomia, APEL, 2020. ISBN: 9893313767
Cardoso, A. D.;O Vinho - Da uva à garrafa (2ª Edição), Agrobook, 2020. ISBN: 9789898927309

Supplementary Bibliography

Vários;Gastronomia Regional Portuguesa 6 th ed., Impala, 2004
APTECE;Manual Prático de Turismo de Culinária e Economia, APTECE, Associação Portuguesa de Turismo e Culinária e Economia, 2004
Almeida, M.J.;Guia de Enoturismo de Portugal, Zestbooks, 2014
Novakoski, D.;A arte de harmonizar cardápios e vinhos, Senac, 2005
Maçanita, J.;Branco ou Tinto e outras respostas às dúvidas que todos temos sobre como escolher, comprar e apreciar vinho, Manuscrito, 2016. ISBN: 978-989-8818-65-2

Learning Methods

- Theoretical presentation of the syllabus, complemented by the elaboration, discussion and analysis of practical examples promoting research, developing individual sensitivity to the study area, and appealing to the capacity for critical analysis;
- Monitoring students in the study, analyzing cases and solving exercises;
- Participation in harmonization and wine tasting.
Learning process will be consolidated by students through individual study, and will be applied to the resolution and development of group work.

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  30
Evaluation  Teste/Exame  3
Self - Study  Study  74
  Total: 107

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The theoretical exposition and the practical development of exercises will be fundamental to meet the objectives of the course. Materialization and experimentation through wine tasting and its harmonization/pairing with gastronomic items will elucidate students about the applicability and importance of the subjects taught, as well as its importance for the relevance of enogastronomy in tourism development.