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Geography and Planning in Tourism

Code: GT208    Acronym: GOT

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Tourism


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
CTSPGT Aviso n.º 4757/2023 6 ECTS 45 160

Hours Effectively Taught


Theoretical-Practical: 1,50

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical-Practical: 3,00

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

Descriptive summary of the course
Geography is fundamental for the study of tourism, given that Tourism occurs in the territory, involving flows and activities between different spaces and largely depends on the physical and social characteristics of the interrelations that occur between the territory, activities and individuals.
In this curricular unit it is intended that students get to know the main tourist regions in the world, who know the countries of the world and their capitals, who are familiar with the main cities in Europe and the relevant tourist aspects and even if they know Portugal well in terms of main cities, nature conservation areas, tourist infrastructure and mobility in the country and the distribution of the main tourist resources in Portugal.
This course unit considers three fundamental concepts: the spatial dimension, the geographical components of the tourism system and the special interaction between these components, which result in economic, environmental, cultural and social impacts. It is intended, with this curricular unit, to frame students in the physical and human environment that surrounds them and that configure the tourist space.

Objectives and expected learning outcomes
1. Understand tourist activity as a phenomenon of spatial interaction;
2. Study the main tourist flows in the world
3. Know the main factors of tourist location and their influence on the distribution of the activity
4.Analyze the main tourist flows
5.Characterize tourist activity in major world regions

Skills to develop
Enable students to get to know the geography, the countries, their capitals and main world cities, the main tourist destinations in the world, as well as getting to know the geography of Portugal and the main tourist products that the country has to offer.
Provide students with tourism planning skills based on geography and knowledge of tourism resources with the necessary knowledge and methodological tools that allow them to establish the link between geography, territory management and the tourism area.
Provide students with multidisciplinary training that allows them to learn the knowledge administered in the course, and develop technical and scientific skills in order to apply that knowledge in practical situations.
Encourage creativity and initiative in the elaboration of the proposed tasks, as well as stimulate teamwork, so that students share their ideas and opinions, and are receptive to the ideas of others.


1.Geography and Tourism
1.1. Cartography notions
1.2. Tourist flows and mobility
2.Tourist Location
2.1.Human and technical factors
2.2. Natural factors
3.The impact of climate change on the geography of tourism
4. Tourist flows
4.1.Evolution and development prospects
4.2.World tourism regions
4.2.2. Africa
4.2.4. Asia

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The proposed program allows students to gain the knowledge and develop the expected skills, as:
- theme 1 responds to objectives 1 and 2, presenting tourism as a phenomenon of mobility and interaction;
- themes 2 and 3 respond to objective 3, by presenting the factors that influence the distribution of tourist activity and its flows;
- theme 4 makes it possible to achieve objectives 4 and 5, by analyzing the main tourist flows and studying the main tourist destinations in the different world tourism regions, as well as their development forecasts.

Main literature

Walters, G. e Mair, J.;Reputation and Image Recovery for the Tourism Industry, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2019
Cunha, L., Abrantes, A.;Introdução ao Turismo, Lidel 6ªEdição, 2019

Supplementary Bibliography

Nelson,V.;An introduction of geography of tourism, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,INC., 2017
Hall, C. M. e Pager, S.;The Geography of Tourism & Recreation, Routledge, 2006
Mason, P.;Geoghaphy of Tourism, Goodfellow Publishers, 2017

Learning Methods

The contents will be presented in dynamic expository classes, where a strong participation of the students is sought, in order to promote communication, reflection and discussion of ideas in different themes. To this end, exercises, case studies, illustrative videos and other supporting multimedia material will be presented. Technical / practical sessions (in class and via e-learning platform), presentation and discussion sessions will be promoted

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  45
 Study  80
 Teste/Exame  3
 Projectos  32
  Total: 160

Continuous Assessment

Continuous evaluation:
2 Written tests 2 x 35%
1 e-learning individual work 30%

Under the General Regulation:

a) The students' attendance in classes will be recorded and, if the number of absences per student exceeds 30% of the total number of lessons scheduled for each course unit, the student will be automatically transferred to the final evaluation (regular season).
b) In the written tests and other assessment elements mentioned, it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 7.5 (seven point five) points.
c) If the student misses a test or receives a grade lower than 7.5 points in the tests or in another assessment element mentioned in the previous number, the student will be automatically transferred to the final evaluation (regular season).
d) If the student misses or obtains less than 7.5 in the second written test, held in the same date of the final exam in the regular season, they may apply for further evaluation in the Appeal season
e) All the written assessments included in the evaluation (reports, case studies, etc.) must be submitted through the Turnitin data base, available on the eLearning Platform, a similarity rate lower than 30% is accepted.

Final Exam

Individual written test: 100%

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The methodologies considered take into account the characteristics of the course. Despite a theoretical character, the use of case studies and other support materials, aim to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the course, from an applied or practical point of view.