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Code: GT217    Acronym: ETG

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Tourism


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
CTSPGT Aviso n.º 4757/2023 30 ECTS 0 800

Hours Effectively Taught

Teaching - Hours

Estágio: 0,00

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes


The Internship unit aims to complement the training carried out during the CTSP, through the integration of the student in the exercise of a professional activity, or in the development of activities in companies or organizations providing real contact with the world of work.



Eminently practical, the trainee will develop a professional activity in a business or institutional environment, delimited by the functional contents inherent to the professional opportunities of the CTeSP, and under the dependence of a supervisor - a hierarchical superior able at that professional level, and accompanied by an ISAG professor who will promote the evaluation with the Company/Institution Advisor. Once the Internship is finished, the student/trainee will prepare a document summarizing the work developed.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The internship has a fundamentally practical learning component, based on the insertion of the student in the work context, and students are expected to be able to apply the knowledge obtained in the curricular units taught in the CTSP to their professional practice.

Learning Methods

Insertion of students in work context.

Assessment Components

Avaliação apenas com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  800
  Total: 800

Continuous Assessment

1. In the evaluation of the Internship curricular unit, the following elements will be mandatorily considered:
a) a final assessment/assessment grid of the work developed by the intern under the responsibility of the supervisor of the organization, which will include a quantitative grade of 0-20 values;
b) an internship report to be prepared by the intern.
2. The final grade of each of the Internship curricular units will be given on a scale from 0 to 20 values. The evaluation of the organization's supervisor will constitute 50% of the final grade and that of the internship report, 50%.
3. In the internship report, it is necessary to obtain a minimum classification of 10 values.
4. An intern who does not submit the internship report and the duly completed internship file will be assigned the final classification of failed, and may request a new assessment at the time of appeal, which, in this case, will be at the time of worker -student.
5. In case of non-compliance with the normal internship period or if the classification attributed by the professional advisor is less than ten values, the intern will be given the final classification of failed, and will therefore have to repeat the internship in the following academic year.
7. If, for any reason, the assessment leads to a result of failing, the trainee must repeat the Internship, respecting the entirety of the procedures referred to in the course regulations.

Internship reports will be submitted to the Turnitin database, available on ISAG's E-Learning platform, with a similarity rate of up to 30% being acceptable.

Final Exam

1. The student who does not deliver the professional report, as well as fails or fails in his defense on the dates defined by the Internship Committee, except for reasons of force majeure, will be assigned the final classification of failed, and may request a new evaluation at the time of appeal which, in this case, will be at the time of student worker.
2. A teacher will be appointed who will guide the student in the development of the professional report, defining the scientific and methodological criteria to be applied;
3. A jury composed of two professors will be constituted, which will mandatorily include the supervisor professor and who will appreciate and evaluate the work and its defense.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The teaching methodology aims to promote learning in the practical field. The main objective is to expose students to the work context of their area of reference.