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Information Systems Project Management

Code: IFG209    Acronym: GPSI

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Management


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
CTSPIG Plano Estudos_22 4 ECTS 30 107

Hours Effectively Taught


Theoretical-Practical: 45,50

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical-Practical: 2,00

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

Descriptive summary of the curricular unit
It is intended that students, at the end of this Curricular Unit, develop skills that will enable them to, at the conceptual level, understand the concepts related to project management in its inherent dimensions and address the issue from the perspective of best practices and international standards. It is also intended that in terms of practical application, they are able to use the methods and techniques discussed to solve a real problem in the ICT field.

Learning objectives and expected outcomes
It is intended to present the methods and techniques of systems analysis and design, developing activities and creating models for the analysis and design phases according to the systems development life cycle, using recognized standards and frameworks, namely:
1. Demonstrate knowledge about the importance of systems analysis in activities associated with the adequacy of Information Systems (IS) to the organizations business strategy;
2. Demonstrate ability to use techniques for gathering and specifying requirements and performing functional modeling;
3. Demonstrate the ability to analyze and design an IS through modeling techniques;
4. Use object-oriented systems modeling software for the design and development of Systems;
5. Acquire specialized knowledge of organizations and their information flows;
6. Acquire specialized knowledge of computer systems and their role in the management and operationalization of processes;
7. Acquire specialized knowledge of stock management.

Skills to develop
1. Assess the feasibility of methods and processes from the point of view of their effectiveness, cost and suitability;
2. Produce and present technical work reports;
3. Identify, characterize and develop the computer applications necessary for the different functional areas of the organization;
4. Create document templates in the various computer applications, according to the organization's needs;
5. Manage time according to the work plan and priorities.
6. Demonstrate the ability to work as a team and cooperate towards common goals.
7. Demonstrate availability, courtesy and respect for others in the relationship with distinguished interlocutors.
8. Demonstrate flexibility by adapting to different situations and professional contexts (namely intercultural) and avoiding situations of conflict or confrontation.
9. Demonstrate a sense of responsibility for work results.


1. The systems development life cycle;
2. Systems development models and methods;
3. Systems Planning;
4. Systems Analysis and Design;
5. Object-oriented analysis;
6. Analysis and Specification of requirements;
7. Systems design;
8. Methods and Tools.
9. Systems Modeling Approaches.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The UC is structured in 9 integrated and fundamental themes in the Management of Information Systems Projects of companies and other organizations.

It starts with the Systems Development Life Cycle, where the study and implementation of systems development models and methods are carried out. The importance of systems planning, the Design and Analysis of systems is considered, from the perspective of object-oriented analysis and naturally without neglecting the Analysis and Specification of specific requirements of each organization/department for which the IS is implemented ..
Given the strategic relevance of the organization's Information System Design, methods will be studied and the appropriate tools applied.
Finally, an Integrated Systems Modulation approach is carried out in the organization and its consistency with the appropriate response levels.

Main literature

Henriques, T.;Gestão de Sistemas de Informação - frameworks, modelos e processos, FCA - Editora de Informática, 2019. ISBN: 9789727228997
Valacich, J. & George, J.;Modern Systems Analysis and Design , Pearson Education, 2020

Learning Methods

Theoretical-practical classes will be used to present and discuss the concepts, methodologies and techniques of project management of information systems for companies and other organizations in the current context of information systems. A performance evaluation of the implemented systems will be carried out from the perspective of information systems project management

The concepts and techniques will be exemplified through problem solving and case analysis.
The teaching/learning methodology is based on the deepening of theoretical concepts, illustrated through the approach of practical cases on the various topics of Project Management of Information Systems in the context of the classroom. Learning is consolidated through individual study and will be applied in the resolution and defense of practical cases. For this purpose, specific software programs available on the market and theoretical expositions using digital tools will be used. The preparation of oral presentation reports of the results obtained in a simulated context will also be encouraged.

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  30
Assessment  Teste/Exame  3
Group work  Projectos  20
Study  Study  54
  Total: 107

Continuous Assessment

Written test I: 30%.
Written test II: 30%.
Group work: 40%
Submission through the e-learning platform (Turnitin Database)

Under the terms of the General Regulation:
a) The effective attendance of students in classes will be registered and, if the number of absences per student exceeds 30% of the total number of contact sessions foreseen for each curricular unit, they will be automatically transferred to the final assessment of the normal season;
b) A minimum mark of 7.5 points is required in the written tests and in the defined assessment elements;
c) In case the student misses or obtains a grade lower than 7.5 in the tests or assessment elements referred to in the previous number, he/she will automatically be transferred to the final assessment of the regular season;
d) If the student misses or obtains a mark of less than 7.5 in the second written test (taken on the same date as the final written test of the regular season) he/she may request registration for assessment in the appeal season;
e) All written academic work provided for assessment (reports, case studies, etc.) must be submitted in the Turnitin database, available on the ISAG E-Learning platform, with a similarity rate of up to 30% being acceptable.

Final Exam

Final exam: 100%

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The Coherence of the methodologies is guaranteed by a teaching process guided by the teacher that defines the strategies and techniques to be used, namely an approach adapted by the teacher that determines the use of information, guides the choice of resources to be used, All topics will be previously sent to students via the SIGARRA system.
Methods of collective teaching and group teaching will be used, in which the Exposition and Mixed Exposition of the subjects will be adopted with the presentation of case studies for debate and discussion in class.