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Internship Il

Code: LGH2341    Acronym: ESTII

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Hospitallity


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
LGH Aviso nº 9705/2017 & Ret. nº 682/2018 20 ECTS 480 534

Hours Effectively Taught

Teaching - Hours

Estágio: 32,00

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

Short Description of the Course
The Internship I curricular unit aims to complement the training carried out during the course by integrating the student in the exercise of a professional activity or in the development of activities in companies or organizations that provide real contacts with a professional environment.

Learning Objectives and Results
1. Understanding and acknowledging of technical information related to the area in which the internship takes place;
2. Understand and experience the vision, mission and objectives of the organization where of the internship takes place;
3. Identify the interns position in a hierarchical structure, acting in accordance with his/her responsibilities, within the autonomy that the organization delegates;
4. Encourage the adoption of an appropriate behavioral attitude with the organizations and clients expectations, promoting an active and positive relationship with colleagues, hierarchies and clients;
5. Act, complying with rules of punctuality, attendance, hygiene, personal and ethical presentation, with a spirit of initiative, in order to promote quality in service provision.

Skills to Develop
1. Decision making and problem solving skills;
2. Skills in oral and written communication, from the business point of view, in Portuguese and in foreign languages;
3. Teamwork, in interdisciplinary and international contexts;
4. Adaptation to new situations, developing an autonomous work;
5. Capacity for improvement aiming at the excellence of the organization's services and personal growth.


Of an eminently practical nature in a business or institutional environment, the student/intern will carry out a professional activity delimited by the functional content inherent to the professional outputs of the degree, in line with the organisation where the internship takes place, under the dependence of a Company/Institution Supervisor - a professionally qualified hierarchical superior at that professional level, and an ISAG Supervisor - a designated teacher, who will promote the respective assessment with the Company/Institution Supervisor.
An internship plan will be agreed between the parties, with the internal objectives of the Company/Institution in line with the objectives and programme of the Curricular Unit, which will serve as the basis for the intern's duties and rights, even if the circumstances require multidisciplinary and comprehensive action on the part of the student/intern.
The student's standard internship programme will be assigned by the Course Coordinator and Career-Office on the basis of:
- Assessment of the student's curricular and professional path (identification of Area B or C - indicated below);
- The student's option to do an Extracurricular Internship in the 1st year of the Hotel Management Degree (Area A) - from 2023-2024;
- Acceptance of the internship by the host institution, upon delivery of the student's Curriculum Vitae and possible interview;
- Other situation not covered.
AREA A - Restaurant (compulsory), Part-time - bar; kitchen; storage and purchasing department.
AREA B - Front Office (compulsory); Part-time - Reservations; Internal events department; Housekeeping - assist. Housekeeper
AREA C - Internal events department; Assistant Manager; Finance Department; Revenue Management; Sales Department; Human Resources
At the end of the internship, the student/intern will deliver a report in accordance with ISAG's Academic Work Regulations.
This applies to both national and international internships.
If the student chooses to apply for the Junior Consultant programme at a hotel that has a protocol with ISAG, and is accepted by ISAG, the assessment for Area D - indicated below - will be applied, and Internship II will be replaced by it, with its own schedule and content.
AREA D - Junior consultancy programme tailored to the hotel unit, in the area of management, innovation and problem-solving.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The course unit has a fundamentally practical learning component, embodied in the insertion of the student in a professional context, aiming that students are able to apply the knowledge obtained in the curricular units taught to their professional practice. Likewise, it is intended that the student, according to the objectives of the Curricular Unit, reflects in the synthesis and presentation document the learned knowledge that goes beyond the theoretical knowledge, stimulated by the experience in a professional context, and the way he will have materialized it. In the synthesis document, the student will record the difficulties felt and how they were overcome.

Learning Methods

Insertion of students in the work context, Guided by a professional from the Company / Institution and by a designated ISAG Advisor.

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  0
Internship  Estágio  480
 Relatório/Dissertação  54
  Total: 534

Continuous Assessment

In situations of insertion in an organization, the student will develop the internship work under the guidance of an Internal Advisor of the organization who, in agreement with the ISAG Accompanying Teacher, will evaluate and certify the quality of the work produced through a Company Evaluation Form. which will constitute 50% of the final grade. The Internship Report, which should describe in detail the work done and the situations experienced throughout the Internship, will constitute 50% of the final grade.This report, in addition to being descriptive, should have elements of reflection and criticism, aiming to a process of quality and procedure improvement.

The intern is approved when the classification obtained in each of the evaluation elements (of the professional advisor, internship report and presentation and defense of the report) is equal to or higher than ten values.
In case of non-compliance with the normal internship period, the classification given by the professional counselor is less than ten values and / or the classification assigned to the internship report is less than ten values, the trainee will be given the final failing grade.

If the student fails the Internship I course unit, he / she is required to complete the internship in the following school year.
The size of the Internship report should not exceed 30 pages, excluding cover, indexes, appendices and attachments.

The Internship Report must be submitted in the Turnitin database, available on ISAG's E-Learning platform, with a similarity rate up to 30% acceptable.

The presentations/advocates will be done before a jury consisting of the Accompanying Teacher and another teacher appointed for that purpose. The jury will carry out a prior evaluation of the report that will decide on its presentation and defense. The scheduling of presentations will be posted in a timely manner in an opportune place and made known to the students by the respective Accompanying Teacher.

Final Exam

The intern who fails to submit the internship report and the internship file duly completed, as well as failing or failing to defend the internship report (when required) on the dates set by the Commission (except for valid reasons), will be given the final grade of failed and may require a new assessment at the time of appeal which, in this case, will be at the time of student-worker.
If the student fails the Internship I course unit, he / she is required to complete the internship in the following school year.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The teaching methodology aims to enhance learning on the practical side. The aim is essentially to expose the student to a professional environment of his / her area of reference, and that this experience can reposition his vocation and manage his career.