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MBA Executive programme

Este curso encontra-se homologado no âmbito do Processo de Bolonha.

Estado de Bolonha: Adequado
Sigla: MBAEP
Grau: Pós-Graduação
Início de Funcionamento: 2020/2021
Coordenador: Marco Enzo Bagheri
Planos de Estudo:


3rd Edition


Prepare for the exercise of executive management functions in SMEs and large companies with solid preparation in various areas of management.
Develop leadership skills essential for any executive manager.
Train professionals combining national specificities with the international and global environment.


Holders of academic qualifications or professional experience compatible with the objectives and contents of the MBA, from any professional area and sector of activity that intend to progress in their career to management positions.

Course Operation

Duration (contact hours): 294 hours - 49 ECTS

Application deadline: august 2nd, 2024

Start: october 2024 (expected to end in may 2025)


» Special conditions for students and Alumni ISAG.

Classes take place three times a week, after work, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 pm to 11 pm. Courses will be interrupted during Christmas, Carnival, Easter and August.

Course Unit | Teacher | Hours

Business Fundamentals - Hours Synchronous classes Asynchronous classes

Strategy | Victor Tavares |15h + 3h

Finance | Heitor Benfeito | 15h + 3h

Marketing Management | Moe Bagheri   | 15h +  3h

Management Skills | Ana Mendes | 15h + 3h

Digital Transformation in Business | Vasco Teles | 15h + 3h

Business Analytics and Data Science | Ivo Nogueira/Rita Faria | 15h + 3h

Business Booster Hours Synchronous classes Asynchronous classes

Investment analysis | Ana Pinto Borges | 15h + 3h

Supply Chain and Logistics Management | João Felgueiras | 15h + 3h

Financial Markets | Vasilya Benfeito | 15h + 3h

Management Control Systems | Nuno Nogueira | 15h + 3h

Business CMS | Bruno Vieira | 15h + 3h

Artificial Intelligence | Joaquim Gonçalves | 15h + 3h

Leadership Skills Development - Hours Synchronous classes Asynchronous classes

Business Communication | Alfredo Castanheira | 9h + 3h

NeuroBusiness | Fernando Rodrigues | 9h + 3h

Leadership and Team intelligence | Anabela Machado | 4h + 2h

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability | Anabela Machado | 4h + 2h

Design Thinking and Mental Map | Alexandra Sousa | 4h + 2h

Business Simulation | Rui Rosa Dias | 15h + 3h

Final Project

Business Plan | Luís Ferreira | 15h + 3h


Participants wishing to obtain the Diploma will have to undergo the evaluation and be successful in all the curricular units of the respective Program, including, among other types of evaluation, the realization of practical cases and work carried out during the course.


Application: 100,00€
Registration: 200,00€
Insurance: 31,80€
Tuition fee*: 3.600€

         *1st phase: 3.600€ - until 2024, 2nd august

         2nd phase: 3.960€ - until 2024, 27th september

Forms of Payment

1 installment: benefits from a 5% discount
2 installments: benefits from a 2% discount
3 installments: no discount


Executive Programs Office

Phone: +351 220 303 200 | +351 220 303 239 

Email: ingressos@isag.pt | programas.executivos@isag.pt | executiveacademy@isag.pt

Opening hours: 09H00 to 13H00 | 14H00 to 19H30