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Higher Professional Technical in Taxation and Accounting

Este curso encontra-se homologado no âmbito do Processo de Bolonha.

Bologna Process: Adequado
Acronym: CTSPCF
Academic Degree:
Área CNAEF: 344 - Contabilidade e Fiscalidade
  • Técnico Superior Profissional em Contabilidade e Fiscalidade
Start: 2015/2016
Director: Dulce Amália Teixeira Gomes
Nº de Registo DGES: R/Cr 130/2015
Data de atribuição do Registo : 2015-07-01
Registo(s) de alteração : R/Cr 130.1/2015
Data de alteração do Registo : 2018-08-10
Study Plan:



This course aims to train accounting and tax professionals to participate in the management of the organization¿s financial information systems, public or private, at the level of accounting and tax registration, and planning and control of internal management processes, in order to obtain relevant information to support the management/administration in the decision-making process related to the economy and financial management of the organization. It allows developing specific technical skills to start a professional activity, identified as a market need, with a good employability potential.


a) Search, collect, select, prepare and analyze relevant financial information necessary for the fulfillment of accounting obligations by the company or public or private organization;
b) Plan, organize and execute, autonomously, the financial and management accounting of the organization/company;
c) Implement software and procedures in the management of purchases, sales, customers and suppliers, as well as those related to treasury management;
d) To evaluate the performance of the accounting software applications in accordance with the SNC - Accounting Standards System;
e) To ensure the necessary procedures for the fulfilment of the entity's obligations towards the Tax Administration;
f) To prepare information to support the preparation of financial management opinions and reports with view to the efficient and effective performance of the company or public entity.


a) Holders of a secondary education or equivalent qualification;
b) Those who have passed the particularly appropriate tests aimed at assessing the ability to attend higher education for those over 23 years of age, conducted for the course in question, under the terms of Decree-Law No. 64/2006 of March 21;
c) Holders of a technological specialization diploma (DET), a higher professional technician diploma or a higher education degree, who wish to be requalified. 


Admission conditions are based on knowledge and skills, at the level of secondary education, in one of the areas defined for the course (Economics, or English, or Portuguese).
The verification of admission conditions is carried out by documentary evidence, namely in the cases of:
1) Candidates referred to in point a) of the Access Requirements, by submitting a secondary education diploma or legally equivalent qualification;
2) Candidates referred to in point b) of the Access Requirements, by submitting documentation from the higher education institution where the tests were carried out, describing them and clarifying their content, as well as the respective classification;
3) Candidates referred to in point c) of the Access Requirements, by passing a capacity assessment test carried out in accordance with the course regulation;
4) Candidates referred to in point d) of the Access Requirements, by presenting a diploma that proves ownership of the qualification.
If candidates do not meet the access requirements, they can acquire them by passing an admission test, whose referential of knowledge and skills corresponds to the level of secondary education in the relevant area (s) for each course. The entrance exam is written, or written and oral, being organized for each professional higher technical course or set of courses.


- The Capacity Accessment Test for candidates who have not completed the secondary education course is written, or written and oral, under the terms provided for in the ISAG Higher Professional Technical Courses regulation;
- The Capacity Accessment Test is based on the knowledge and skills corresponding to the level of secondary education, in one of the areas defined for the course (Economics, or English, or Portuguese);


- The application is submitted to the ISAG Admission Office;
- The application process is carried out online on the Sigarra platform at www.isag.pt, or in person at ISAG and must be accompanied with the following documents:
a) Curriculum vitae correctly prepared according to the European model (available on the ISAG website);
b) Academic Certificate with information on the level of academic and/or professional qualification (must be authenticated);
c) Identity Card or Passport;
d) Other elements considered relevant for the assessment;
e) Photo.


Candidates will be selected and ranked according to the following order of criteria:
1. Candidates with complete portuguese secondary education or legal equivalente, taking into account the final classification of the qualification with which they apply;;
2. Holders of a technological specialization diploma (DET), a higher professional technician diploma or a higher education degree, who wish to retrain, taking into account the final classification of the qualification with which they are applying;
3. Candidates who, having passed all subjects in grades 10 and 11 of a secondary school course, or legally equivalent qualification, and not having completed secondary school, shall be considered suitable by means of the ISAG capacity assessment test, taking into account the final classification of the capacity assessment test;
4. Candidates who have passed the particularly appropriate tests aimed at assessing the ability to attend higher education for those over 23 years, for the course in question, under the terms of Decree-Law No. 64/2006 of March 21, taking into account the final classification obtained in that test;


Higher Professional Technical Courses

Phone: +351 220 303 200 | +351 220 303 239
Email: ingressos@isag.pt
Opening hours: 09H00 to 13H00 | 14H00 to 19H30

Predominant Scientific Areas

  • Mathematics
  • Accounting and Taxation
  • Management and Administration
  • Foreign languages and literatures
  • Information technology from the user's point of view
  • Law
  • Finanças, Banca e Seguros