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Business Communication Techniques

Code: IFG210    Acronym: TCE

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Desenvolvimento Pessoal


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
CTSPIG Plano Estudos_22 6 ECTS 45 160

Hours Effectively Taught


Teóricas: 42,50

Teaching - Hours

Teóricas: 3,00

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

Description of the curricular unit
The curricular unit Business Communication Techniques aims to study the essential concepts of expression and interpersonal communication, through the analysis of verbal and non-verbal communication mechanisms and the approach to literary and non-literary texts. Particular emphasis will be given to organizational communication processes, namely in the context of communication strategies related to negotiation and conflict resolution.

Objectives and expected learning outcomes
1. To promote contact with the functions of interpersonal communication;
2. Develop the levels of verbal and non-verbal communication;
3. Master the strategies of communication in an environment of conflict and / or stress;
4. Identify the communication flows in organizations;
5. Know the appropriate methods and resources to present projects in a business environment;
6. Acquire comprehensive knowledge in techniques and resources of oral and written expression in Portuguese language;
7. At the end of the semester, students should master the skills inherent to the presentation and project in a business environment, using the appropriate methodologies and the most suitable technical resources.

Skills to be developed
1. 1. interpersonal communication skills, with special focus on the types of communication and on the different formats of discursive registers
2. Transposing the theoretical knowledge covered in the sessions to the operational reality of companies;
3. Identify the different actors of the organization responsible for the management of computer systems and organize their work processes
4. Produce and present technical work reports
5. Demonstrate ability to persuade and to establish stable relationships with customers, suppliers and other service providers
6. Demonstrate availability, courtesy and respect for others in dealing with different interlocutors
7. Demonstrate flexibility by adapting to different situations and professional contexts (including intercultural) and avoiding situations of conflict or confrontation
8. Adapt the language to the characteristics of the interlocutors
9. Tolerate ambiguity and cultural difference.


1. Interpersonal expression and communication
1.1 Interpersonal Conflicts
1.2 The Functions of Interpersonal Communication
2.3 Verbal and nonverbal communication

2. Communication and Conflict
2.1 Interpersonal Conflicts
2.2 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Strategies
2.3 Communication and Stress

3. Expression and Communication in Organizational Contexts
3.1 Message Planning and Construction
3.2 The Themes and Objectives
3.3 Physical and Digital Media
3.4 The Audiences
3.5 Presentation techniques
3.6 Management of technological resources
3.7 Expression and communication: project presentation in a business environment

4. Information and Communication Policies
4.1 Balance and diagnosis
4.2 Objectives and media selection
4.3 Active communication policy
4.4 Global communication and cultural differences
4.5 The Role of Communication in Building Change

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

- To promote contact with the functions of interpersonal communication;
This goal will be achieved through the content and case studies provided in Sub-chapters 1.1 to 1.2
- Develop the levels of verbal/non-verbal communication;
In this case sub-chapter 1.3 will be the most appropriate source of content to achieve this specific objective.
- Master the strategies of communication in a conflict and/or stressful environment;
In this objective, the fundamental points will be the contents relative to sub-chapters 2.3 to 2.4 and the practical cases provided in the sessions.
- Identify the communication flows in organizations;
This objective will be achieved through the analysis of case studies included in sub-chapters 3.1 to 3.7
- Know the appropriate methods and resources to present projects in a business environment.
This objective will be achieved using the contents of chapter 4 of the program.

Main literature

Krogerus, M., Schäppeler, G. ;O Livro da Comunicação, Lisboa: Edições Marcador, 2021
Tavares, S.;Comunicar com Sucesso. , Oficina do Livro, 2019

Supplementary Bibliography

Rego, A.;Comunicação Pessoal e Organizacional, Edições Sílabo, 2016
de Baynast, et al;Mercator 25 anos, Edições D. Quixote, 2018

Learning Methods

The working sessions will follow a theoretical-practical orientation, seeking to reconcile the lecturer's expository model with a constant concern for a concrete connection to business reality. The theoretical concepts and models presented will always be related to their practical applicability in duly identified business scenarios. 

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  45
 Teste/Exame  3
 Projectos  10
 Study  102
  Total: 160

Continuous Assessment

- Written test I: 35
- Written test II: 35
- Group work: 30%.
Submission on e-Learning platform (Turnitin database)

Students enrolled in the Continuous Assessment modality must make a 15-minute presentation, in group work composed of a maximum of 4 (four) elements, on one of the topics of the subject matter taught. They must use PowerPoint or a similar program for the presentation in class.

According to the General Regulations:
a) The effective attendance of students in class will be registered and, if the number of absences per student exceeds 30% of the total number of contact sessions foreseen for each curricular unit, they will be automatically transferred to the final assessment of the normal season.
b) A minimum mark of 7.5 (seven point five) is required for the written tests and the assessment items mentioned in lines b) to e) of no. 2 of Art. 32.
c) If the student fails or obtains a mark lower than 7.5 in the tests or assessment elements referred to in the previous number, he/she will automatically be transferred to the final assessment of the regular season.
d) If the student misses or obtains a mark of less than 7.5 in the second written test (taken on the same date as the final written test of the regular season) he/she may request registration for assessment in the appeal season.
e) All written academic work provided for assessment (reports, case studies, etc.) must be submitted on the Turnitin database, available on ISAG's E-Learning platform, and a similarity rate of up to 30% is acceptable.

Final Exam

Final exam: 100%

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

- To promote contact with the functions of interpersonal communication;
The goal will be achieved through discussions generated by the syllabus and supporting texts.
- Develop the levels of verbal/non-verbal communication;
In this specific case the objective will be achieved through the commented reading of practical cases
- Mastering the strategies of communication in an environment of conflict and / or stress;
In this specific case the objective will be achieved through the guided approach of real examples
- Identify the communication flows in organizations;
In this specific case the objective will be achieved through the commented reading of case studies, followed by discussion
- Know the appropriate methods and resources to present projects in a business environment.
This objective will be achieved through tutorial guidance designed to support the development of group projects.