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Relational Marketing

Code: MDCM2107    Acronym: MREL

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Marketing


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
MDCM Aviso nº 9882/2017 4 ECTS 39 107

Hours Effectively Taught


Theoretical-Practical: 31,50
Orientação Tutorial: 9,00

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical-Practical: 2,00
Orientação Tutorial: 0,60

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

Descriptive summary of curricular unit

In a context of accelerated technological, social, economic, environmental and political changes, Relationship Marketing emerges as a tool for companies to create and maintain sustainable relationships that generate unquestionable value with and for several strategically significant interlocutors for the organization: customers, partners, suppliers, investors and society in general. This curricular unit aims to train professionals who, based on knowledge, understanding, analysis, application and evaluation of Relational Marketing practices, are able to improve the quality and effectiveness of the management of organizations' relationships with their stakeholders, considering all the evolution of markets and customers.
Value, quality, satisfaction, loyalty and loyalty are some of the key concepts of this curricular unit that will underlie the contents and examples covered.

Objectives and expected learning outcomes
1 - Understand and situate the role of relational marketing in organizations and its connection with other areas of the same.
2 - Distinguish and understand the various types of implications and requirements of relational marketing in organizations.
3 - Master the main concepts and know the main relationship marketing tools.
4 - Relate different types of relationship marketing programs with different application contexts.
5 - Understand the mechanisms of loyalty in offline and online.

Skills to develop
- Perspective relationship marketing in a strategic, tactical and operational way, and integrated with the global management process of organizations.
- Understand the importance of articulation between the areas of marketing, sales and customer service.
- Critically analyze case studies and identify and solve relationship marketing problems in a critical, holistic and pragmatic way.
- Evaluate relational strategies and propose solutions and improvements.
- Contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of relationship marketing and customer loyalty programs, considering different relationship management options with customers and other stakeholders.


1. From Transactional Marketing to Relational Marketing
1.1. Continuity or Rupture?
1.2. Fundamentals of relationship marketing.

2. Multi-relational approaches
2.1. The 30 Relationships Model
2.2. The 6 Markets Model.
2.3. The importance of internal marketing

3. The Strategic and Tactical Implications/Requirements of Relational Marketing.

4. Sources of value for customers
4.1. Concept of value and co-creation of value.
4.2. The determinants of loyalty.

5. Investing in Relationships: IDIC and Client Selection
5.1. The reconfiguration of the marketing mix.

6. Loyalty as a pillar of Relational Marketing.
6.1. Online loyalty and virtual worlds

7. The Different Application Contexts
7.1. B-to-B
7.2. B-to-C
7.3. Services: Experiential Marketing and its complementarity with Relational Marketing.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

Points 1 and 3 of the program allow the first and second objectives to be achieved (1 - Understand and situate the fundamental role of relational marketing in organizations and its connection with other areas of the same; 2 - Distinguish and understand the various types of marketing implications relationship in organizations).

Points 2, 4 and 5 of the program are related to the third objective (3 - Mastering the main concepts and knowing the main relationship marketing tools).

Point 6 of the program makes it possible to fulfill the fifth objective (5 - Understanding offline and online loyalty mechanisms).
Finally, point 7 of the program makes it possible to fulfill the fourth objective (4 - Relate different types of relationship marketing programs with different application contexts).

Main literature

HOLLENSEN, SVEND & OPRESNIK, MARC OLIVER;Marketing: A Relationship Perspective, World Scientific Books, Scientific Publishing Co. Pte, 2019
BUTTLE, F. & MAKLAN, S.;Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies (4th edition), Routledge, 2019

Supplementary Bibliography

Alzira Marques;Marketing Relacional, Edições Sílabo, 2014
Moutinho, Luiz; Teixeira, Nuno; Zeferino, André;Marketing Futureland, Lidel, 2022. ISBN: 9789897527449
MALHOTRA, NARESH K. & AGARWAL, JAMES;Introduction to Customer Relationship Marketing. In Customer Relationship Marketing Theoretical and Managerial Perspectives (Forthcoming), World Scientific Publishing Co, 2019
Evert Gummesson;Total Relationship Marketing 3ª edição, Elsevier, 2008
KUMAR, V. & REINARTZ, W.;Customer Relationship Management: Concept, strategies and tools (3rd edition), Springer., 2018
STEINHOFF, L. et al. ;Online relationship marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 47(3):369-393., 2019
John Egan;Relationship Marketing, Pearson Education, 2011
GRÖNROOS, CHRISTIAN;A service perspective on business relationships: The value creation, interaction and marketing interface. Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 240-247., 2011
GARCÍA HARO, M. A., MARTÍNEZ RUIZ M. P. &, MARTÍNEZ CAÑAS, R.;The Effects of the Value Co-Creation Process on the Consumer and the Company. Expert Journal of Marketing (2), 68-81, 2014
Jagdish N. Sheth & Atul Parvatiyar;Handbook of Relationship Marketing, SAGE Publications, Inc., 2012
Adrian Payne;Handbook of CRM: Achieving Excellence in Customer Management, Butterworth Heinemann, 2005
GUMESSON, EVERT.;Return on relationships (ROR): the value of relationship marketing and CRM in business-to-business contexts. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 19 Issue 2 pp. 136 ¿ 148, 2004
GRONROOS, CHRISTIAN. ;From Marketing Mix to Relationship Marketing: Towards a Paradigm Shift. Marketing Management Decision, Volume 32, Número 2, pp. 4-20, 1994
GRONROOS, CHRISTIAN. ;Relationship marketing: strategic and tactical implications. Management Decision, Volume 34, Número 3, pp. 5-14, 1996
GOLDSMITH, RONALD E.;The personalised marketplace: beyond the 4Ps. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 17, Iss 4 pp. 178 ¿ 185, 1999
SCHMITT, BERND;Experiential Marketing: How to Get Companies to Sense, Feel, Think, Act, and Relate to Your Company and Brands, New York: Free Press, 1999

Learning Methods

Teaching methodologies will be expository, active/participative and interrogative, favoring interaction with situations in the real business environment. Thus, they will consider:

- Presentation and discussion of concepts, methodologies and tools using bibliography and audiovisual media (eg videos, websites, etc);
- Critical analysis, discussion and resolution of practical cases with concrete situations in groups and in class;
- Conducting quizzes (individual and in groups), group work and other activities to explore and apply knowledge;
- Analysis of articles and written documents, and their reflection and discussion shared among colleagues;
- Application of the contents developed to a work of analysis of the relationship strategies of a real company, consolidating the learning results.

The exposition of concepts, theories and tools will always be complemented with the use of cases and practical examples, as well as interactive activities, seeking to stimulate an attitude of questioning, critical reflection and proposal of solutions or alternatives, in order to achieve the proposed objectives. 

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  30
Tutorial guidance  Participação Presencial  9
Group work  Projectos  30
Assessment  Teste/Exame  3
Autonomous study  Study  35
  Total: 107

Continuous Assessment

- Group project work, with submission on the E-Learning platform: 30%
- Taking two individual written tests: 30%+35%

Under the general regulations:

1. The actual presence of students in classes will be recorded and, if the number of absences per student exceeds 30% of the total number of contact sessions planned for each curricular unit, it will be automatically transferred to the final assessment of the normal season.
2. In written tests and other assessment elements, it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 7.5 (seven point five).
3. If the student is absent or obtains a grade lower than 7.5 in the tests or assessment elements referred to in the previous paragraph, he or she will be automatically transferred to the final assessment of the normal season.
4. If the student is absent or obtains a grade lower than 7.5 in the second written test (carried out on the same date as the final written test in the normal season), he or she may request registration for assessment in the appeal period.
5.All written academic work included in the assessment (reports, case studies, etc.) must be submitted to the Turnitin database, available on ISAG's E-Learning platform, with a similarity rate of up to 30% being acceptable.

Final Exam

Individual written test - 100%

Proofs and special works

a) Analysis and discussion of articles and resolution of cases and exercises (continuous evaluation):
This component implies an attitude of commitment, an active participation and an effective contribution of the students in the classes. The method of working in groups shall be applied. Students' individual attitude will also be evaluated in the presentation classes of their colleagues' work, where they are expected to reveal critical capacity and timely questioning.

b) The execution of the project work in group (continuous evaluation):
This work will aim at the critical analysis of the strategy of a company / brand and will have as output a set of recommendations of strategic and tactical level. Each group will have between 3 and 4 participants. The methodology of work approach will be the following: (i) information collection and its treatment; (ii) diagnosis of the situation and analysis of the relationship marketing strategy followed by the company; (iii) focus on the analysis of the portfolio of relationships and the identification of opportunities; (iv) elaboration os recommendations for the company/brand in light of the specific tools approached in classes or others researched by the students autonomously. The evaluation of this project work will be based on the preparation of a written report and its oral presentation and defense by the work group. Although the project work is done in groups, the evaluation will be individualized, considering the performance of the team and the performance of each element in the oral presentation.

Special Assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Individual written test - 100%

Improvement of final grade

Individual written test - 100%

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The exposition of the syllabus, using scientific and technical sources, will be carried out in relation to each of the 7 points of the program, in order to introduce and interrelate the concepts and foundations of a more theoretical nature, allowing the fulfillment of objectives 1 to 3.

This methodology will be complemented by the viewing of videos, websites and the analysis and resolution of practical and real cases and respective reflection and discussion, especially in points 4, 5 and 7 of the program. Points 3 to 7 of the program will also be approached in a very practical way, suggesting their application through group work.

These works allow and facilitate the sharing of knowledge, the search for information from external sources and contact with practical reality, and enable the application of concepts, their concrete understanding and their adaptation to different contexts (objectives 4 and 5)..