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Business Simulation

Code: PGDCM06    Acronym: SEMP

Subject: 2023/2024 - 2S

Teaching Area: Marketing


Acronym Study plan Curriculum Years ECTS Contact hours Total Hours
PGDCM Plano de Estudos - 2020 6 ECTS 45 160

Hours Effectively Taught


Theoretical-Practical: 42,33
Orientação Tutorial: 0,00

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical-Practical: 3,00
Orientação Tutorial: 0,00


Simulador de Gestão da Praxis MMT10

Aims, Skills and Learning Outcomes

Descriptive summary of course:
This game is a sophisticated simulation that promotes reasoning at the level of all decisions, betting on learning by doing. Thus, each student will be the Manager of your company and will have to analyze the consumers and their needs and plan strategies: selecting your target and defining Product, Price, Promotion and Distribution in order to create an attractive and competitive product.
The Management Game is a completely new teaching method, which is based on the simulation of each of the variables that operate in a real and competitive market.
The model used in the curricular unit is identical to that used in the real world: students not only plan the actions, execute them and check the results of their actions, repeating this cycle in a continuous way.

Objectives and expected outcomes of learning:
- Develop a proactive attitude in management
- Apply in an integrated and practical manner concepts and techniques of management and marketing;
- Adaptation of theoretical experiences to the practical and competitive reality of companies;
- Understand the changes in the environment and their implications in terms of management;
- Know how to work as a team.

Skills to be developed:
- Analysis of markets and competition
- Planning a business plan
- Execution of Management Plans in the short and long term
- Control and analysis of results


1 - Presentation of the Course and Simulator
1.1 Simulator presentation
1.2 The role of the Manager

2 - Models of Simulation Management and Methodology
2.1 Description of the main management tools
2.2 Main management strategies

3 - Simulation Test, Analysis of the Company and Market Scenario
3.1 Market study
3.2 Praxis MMT10 Management Simulator

4 - Strategic plan

5 - Analysis of Results and Preparation of Decision

6 - Presentation and Discussion of Global Results

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

In the first point of the program the discipline works at the level of the student's attitude, knowing how to be a manager, seeking to know, solving problems, taking leadership. This is one of the objectives of the simulation exercise.

In the second point of the program the student chooses which theoretical management model to apply in the practical management of the company.

In the following points the student will work all the analysis part and market behavior, as in reality a market in movement and in mutation. Faced with this analysis will have to make management decisions. This is the major objective of the course, to be able to analyze the market and apply theoretical knowledge in solving real management problems.

Main literature

W. Chan Kim; Renée Mauborgne;A Estratégia Oceano Azul, Actual Editora, 2016. ISBN: ISBN: 9789896941482
Philip Kotler;Marketing 4.0, Actual Editora, 2017. ISBN: ISBN: 9789896942083

Supplementary Bibliography

Blink!;Malcolm Gladwell, Cadernos do Saber, 2010. ISBN: ISBN: 9789722040792

Learning Methods

The teaching methodology is based on a management simulation program called MMT10. This program simulates the main variables in the management of a company. The simulation methodology is based on four basic principles:
Learning by doing: the student has a 100% active attitude in this method, and the discipline only happens with the student inputs.
Testing, error and re-testing: in management experience is a determining factor for decision security. With this method the student is allowed to repeat and learn from mistakes.
Obtain results: the simulation allows the student to obtain concrete and quantitative results of their decisions.
Interference: This method of simulation is based on the principle of interference, that is, as in the real market, the decisions of the other companies (work groups) will interfere in the results of my company.

Assessment Components

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Conclusion Date
Attendance (estimated)  Lessons  45
Group work  Projectos  30
Assessment  Teste/Exame  2
Autonomous study  Study  83
  Total: 160

Continuous Assessment

The assessment is made up as follows:
30% - quantitative assessment: depends on the company's accumulated benefit at the end of the simulation
40% - qualitative evaluation: evaluation of the teacher to the student during all moments of contact. The points under evaluation are: maturity of the speech, the quality and consistency of the presentations, the consistency of the strategic management, a report of the results obtained, an understanding of the company and its cost structure; Competition Analysis; market analysis
30% - individual assessment: individual written test. 

Final Exam

The individual moment assessment consists of the following:
Quantitative evaluation - 65%
Qualitative evaluation - 35%

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The teaching methodology puts students in a business environment as close to reality as possible.
For the student to be able to assimilate the competences mentioned above it is fundamental to give the student the opportunity to do it himself, to err and to be able to do it again. This methodology has a much higher apprehension rate than traditional ones.
On the other hand the fact that the results are real, that is, the students receive the sales figures obtained by the companies and the respective balance sheets and results account allows to work business plan more concrete and more real.
Lastly, the fact that there are interferences, that is, the students competing for the market against each other, makes market changes more real and market analyzes closer to what students will one day in companies.