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Sally Kees

Fotografia de Sally Al Kees
Nome: Sally Al Kees
Sigla: SK
Estado: Activo
ORCID 0000-0002-8557-7815

Email: sally.kees@isag.pt

Categoria: Professor Adjunto Convidado
Área: Gestão

Apresentação Pessoal

Formação Académica
Doutoramento em Finanças - Universidade do Líbano
Mestrado em Administração de Empresas: Finanças e Contabilidade - Universidade do Líbano
Licenciatura em Administração de Empresas: Banca e Finanças - Universidade do Líbano

Área de Investigação
Finanças Comportamentais

Publicações (mais relevantes)

Revistas Científicas
Alkees, S. Z. & Ghalayini, L. (2021). Lebanese Investors Decision-Making Analysis from Conventional and Behavioral Perspectives Simultaneously. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 13(4 (J)), 50-59. (doi.org/10.22610/jebs. v13i4(J).3212).
Alkees, S. Z. & Ghalayini, L. (2021). The Impact of Behavioral Finance on Lebanese Investors Decision Making. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 25(1),112-127(http://www.ijpsat.es/index.php/ijpsat/article/view/2758#:~:text=http%3A//dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v25.1.2758).
Alkees, S. Z., & Ghalayini, P. L. (2020). Social Responsibility Investments in Lebanon. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 53(2), 211-229.
Alkees, S., & Ghalayini, L. (2019). Efficient Market Hypotheses EMH (Lebanon and Arab Gulf States). Journal of Economics and Business, 2(3). (http://ssrn.com/author=3644130).

Conferência/Workshop e Proceedings
Proper Planning: Management of Economy and Economy of Management-MEEM Scientific Conference organized by the Lebanese University/Faculty of Economic Sciences and business administration-Section 5 and GAREB (30/04/2019) .
UNIMED subnetwork Webinar on Employability, The concept of Academic Entrepreneurship and the neologism Acadepreneurship (20/05/2020) in collaboration of the Lebanese University.
The Lebanese Economy professional webinar by IMA (The association of Accountants and Financial professionals in Business) Lebanon chapter (29/04/2020).
Web seminar with NERDES-Mike Azzar on the Lebanese economic crisis-Government Reform plan (05/05/2020).
Webinar by Economist Dan Azzi on the Lebanese economic crisis: What's next for Lebanon economy? (28/04/2020).
Parlez-moi Recherche Seminar organized by l Institute Français du Liban within PHC-CEDRE programme.
Social Entrepreneurship online course implemented by make sense in Lebanon and MENA in collaboration with Centre MINE within the program Dream-Learn-innovate.
Data Collection: Application to research projects in Economic and Management Seminar organized by AUF, CNAM, USJ at ISAE (23-24/05/2019).
Keeping the Future safe: Building National Cyber Security Strategy Seminar organized by the Doctoral School of Law, Political, Administrative and Economic Sciences in collaboration with The Lebanese Information Technology Association LITA (26/02/2019)
The third International Conference regarding Numerical change and legal knowledge by the legal informatics center at the Lebanese University (8-9/11/2018).

Experiência Profissional
Docente no BESME International Group - Líbano, desde 2018 a 2019.