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Scientific-Technical Council

Acronym: CTC
Description: Structure

1. The Technical-Scientific Council is composed of a minimum of eight and a maximum of ten members.

2. The Technical-Scientific Council includes:

a) ISAG professors with a doctoral degree or holders of the title of specialist, elected by the group of career professors, professors equivalent to full-time professors with more than ten years in that category, professors with a doctoral degree in full-time positions with a contract duration of at least one year, regardless of the nature of their bond, and professors with the title of specialist in full-time positions with a contract for more than two years;

b) The Technical-Scientific Council may also include invited members from among professors or researchers from other institutions or individuals with recognized competence in the institution's mission.

3. When the number of eligible professors is less than that established in these statutes, the Technical-Scientific Council will be composed of all eligible professors.

4. The members of the Technical-Scientific Council will elect their President from among themselves, and in the event of a tie between two or more professors, the full-time professor with the longest tenure at ISAG is considered elected.

5. The election of professors to the Technical-Scientific Council is done by list, using a majority system, in accordance with the electoral regulations.

6. The candidate lists must include at least 4 substitutes.

7. The number of members for each term is determined by the Board of Directors at the time of calling for elections.


The Technical-Scientific Council has the following responsibilities:

a) Prepare and approve its own regulations.

b) Develop the plan and report on the scientific activities of ISAG.

c) Provide opinions on the creation, modification, and termination of study programs and courses proposed by the Board of Directors.

d) Decide on the allocation of teaching duties, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

e) Approve admission regulations for students.

f) Approve study plans for study programs, course programs, and curriculum units.

g) Propose or provide opinions on the establishment of academic awards.

h) Propose or provide opinions on the awarding of titles or honorary distinctions.

i) Propose or provide opinions on the establishment of international agreements and partnerships.

j) Perform other acts as required by law related to teaching and research careers and the recruitment of teaching and research staff.

k) Decide, in accordance with the law, on the accreditation of prior education and professional experience for the purpose of continuing studies at ISAG.

l) Provide opinions on the hiring, dismissal, and replacement of professors.

m) Define the scientific areas of study programs and courses offered.

n) Appoint Course Coordinators and Scientific Area Coordinators.

o) Propose the composition of examination boards and academic competitions.

p) Develop and approve regulations for study programs, following input from the Pedagogical Council and the Board of Directors.

q) Provide opinions on the annual report of ISAG's activities when requested by the Board of Directors.

r) Be represented on the Disciplinary Board through its President.

s) Make decisions on other scientific matters submitted by other management bodies.

t) Exercise any other competencies assigned to it by law, the statutes, or ISAG's regulations.



PhD Professor Elvira Pacheco Vieira

Specialised Professor Henrique do Poço Pires

PhD Professor Manuel Fonseca (invited member)

PhD Professor Rui Rosa Dias

E-mail: cientificopedagogico@isag.pt