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Gabinete de Apoio ao Estudante

Acronym: GAE
Person in Charge: Catarina Machado Santos Alves de Sousa

ISAG-EBS, seeking to meet the needs of its academic community and contribute to its academic, personal and professional success, created the Student Support Office (GAE).

GAE is a safe space, where you can share your problems and get support for planning and achieving your life project. This Office provides free individual counseling services in personal development, career management and vocational guidance, webinars and sharing groups.

Get involved in this project developed entirely with you and your well-being in mind by participating in the Connecting Emotions action.

Connecting Emotions Webinars Sessions:
  • Motivation
  • Emotion management
  • Career management and guidance
  • Learning/concentration difficulties and study/work methods
  • Stress & time management
  • Food and Emotions
If you feel you need a space of your own, contact us to schedule your individual counseling sessions!

Psychologists, neuropsychologists, human resource managers and vocational coaches, are some of the professionals invited to stimulate the development of all your social and personal skills, as well as help you define goals and strategies to achieve your professional goals.
Horário: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: from 10h00 to12h00
Tuesday and Friday: from 15h00 to 17h00
E-mail: gae@isag.pt
Phone: 220303200