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Ana Pinto Borges

Fotografia de Ana Sofia Pinheiro Pinto Borges
Name: Ana Sofia Pinheiro Pinto Borges  Ligação à página pessoal de Ana  Pinto Borges
Acronym: APB
Status: Activo
ORCID 0000-0002-4942-079X


E-mail: anaborges@isag.pt
Telephone extension: 220303200


Category: Professor Coordenador
Learning Areas: Economics
Category: Outra
Management Board: Disciplinary Council
Category: Docente
Management Board: Pedagogical Council

Personal details

Academic Background
PhD in Economics, Specialization in Management - Faculty of Economics of the University of Oporto
Post-Graduation in Entrepreneurship - Porto Business School
Bachelor in Economics - Universidade Lusíada-Norte

Research Area

Research Units/Centers
COMEGI - Centre for Research in Organisations, Markets and Industrial Management

Publications (most relevant)
Scientific Journals
Oliveira, C., Rodrigues, M., Martins, N., Borges, A.P., & Silva, R. (2023). How to Increase Motivation and Job Satisfaction ¿ Empirical Case Study. Journal of Intercultural Management, 14(4), 60-96. 10.2478/joim-2022-0016
Cunha, A., Borges, A.P., & Ferreira, M. (2023). Do real estate investment companies profit from house price growth? Evidence from Portugal. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 16(7). https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHMA-01-2023-0007
Rodrigues, P., Borges, A.P. and Vieira, E. (2023). Gastronomic experiences on tourists¿ life satisfaction and happiness: The case of Porto. European Journal of Tourism Research, 34, 3412. https://doi.org/10.54055/ejtr.v34i.3034
Rodrigues, M., Franco, M., Oliveira, C., Borges, A. P., & Silva, R. (2023). How have smartness cities responded to the pandemic? An empirical study. Cities- The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104241
Rodrigues, M., Franco, M., Oliveira, C., Borges, A. P., & Silva, R. (2023). The Pandemic and the Creative Performance of Cities: An Empirical Study in Portugal. Smart Cities, 6(1), 445¿468.
Borges, A.P., Vieira, E., Rodrigues, P. & Sousa, A. (2023). Influence of COVID-19 on online shopping behaviour, leisure and socialisation. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. doi/10.1108/MRJIAM-09-2021-1229/full/html
Vieira, B. M., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. (2023). The role of Social Networks for decision-making about tourism destinations. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 18(1), 1-27, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJIMA.2023.128148.
Borges, A.P., Vieira, E., Rodrigues, P. & Sousa, A. (2023). Influence of COVID-19 on online shopping behaviour, leisure and socialisation. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. doi/10.1108/MRJIAM-09-2021-1229/full/html .
Almeida, A. L., Vieira, E., & Borges, A. P. (2022). Segmentation and the Key Communication Channels to Promote a Music Festival - The NOS Primavera Sound Case Study. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 10(19), 5-35, https://doi.org/10.54663/2182-9306.2022.v10.n19.5-35
Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., Fetscherin, M. & Borges, A. P. (Forthcoming). Exploring masstige brands¿ antecedents and outcomes. International Journal of Consumer Studies. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.12869.
Borges, A. P., Lopes de Almeida, A., Vieira, E., & Belucio, M. (2022). Travelling and discovering new destinations after destinations after the COVID-19¿S lockdown: The role of routines and habits. Forthcoming in Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal, 12(1), pp. 70-93.
Borges, A. P., & Pinho, M. (2021). Health professionals' attitudes towards priority setting decisions: A Quali-Quantitative Analysis in Angola. International Business and Management. doi:https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=113120
Borges, A. P., Lopes, J., Carvalho, C., Vieira, B. M., & Lopes, J. M. (2021). Education as a Key to the Growth of Entrepreneurial Intentions. Educação + Training. doi:https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ET-03-2020-0052/full/html
Borges, A. P., Oliveira, M., Oliveira, J., & Lopes, J. (2021). Social Networks in the Nonprofit Sector: Social Support Practices. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12208-021-00283-6
Vieira, E., Borges, A. P., & Rodrigues, P. (2021). Exploring the Relationship Between the Length of Stay and Various Determinants at One of the Best European Destinations. Tourism and Hospitality Research. doi:https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/14673584211013509
Borges, A., & Pinho, M. (2020) Health professionals' attitudes towards prioritisation decisions: A quali-quantitative analysis in Angola in Global Business and Economics. doi: https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=gber
Vieira, E., Borges, A.P., Rodrigues, P. and Lopes, J. (2020), The role of intangible factors in the intention of repeating a tourist destination, Int. J. Tourism Policy, 10(4). doi: 10.1504/IJTP.2020.112639
Reis, A. M., Borges, A. P., Araújo, N. (2020). Managing NHS money in Portugal: who decides?", International Journal of Health Governance. doi: 10.1108/IJHG-08-2020-0087
Reis, A. M., Borges, A. P., Araújo, N., Vieira, E. P. (2020) Determinants of tourist expenditure: the role of tourist experiences in the city of Porto, forthcoming Int. J. Tourism Policy.
Borges, A. P., Cunha, C. & Lopes, J. (2020). The main factors that determine the intention to revisit a music festival, forthcoming in Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events.
Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P. & Vieira, E. (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility Image and Emotions for the competitiveness of tourism destinations. Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., & Vieira, E. (2020). Porto street stage at Rally Portugal: the determinants of length of stay. Journal of Sport & Tourism. doi: 10.1080/14775085.2020.1748097.
Rodrigues, P. & Borges, A. P. (2020). Negative emotions towards a financial brand: the opposite impact on brand love. European Business Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Borges, A. P., Vieira, E., & Gomes S., (2020). The Evaluation of Municipal Tourist Tax Awareness: the case of city of Porto, forthcoming in Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., & Borges; Vieira, E. P. (2019). The mediating role of Brand Experience in a medium-sized city. International Journal of Business Excellence. Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337673739
Borges, A., Vieira, E. P., & Rodrigues, P. (2019). The perception of corporate social responsibility in the city of Porto. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 5(2), 130-145.
Pinho, M., & Borges, A. P. (2019). Holding individuals accountable for engaging in unhealthy behaviours when managing scarce resources. International Journal of Health Governance, 24(3), 206-221. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHG-04-2019-0026
Pinho, M., & Borges, A. P. (2019). Health professionals' and laypersons' views on the relevance of health-related behaviours in priority setting for patients. Health Education & Behavior, 46(5), 728-736.
Pinho, M., & Borges, A. P. (2019). A prioritization factor scoring index among patients: An Iberian comparison. The health care manager, 38(3), 267-275.
Borges, A. P., Rodrigues, P., & Branco, F. C. (2019). Consumer perceptions of corporate social responsibility and its impact on purchasing in an economic crisis. Global Business and Economics Review, 21(5), 583-604.
Borges, A., Vieira, E. P., & Romão, J. (2018). The Evaluation of the Perceived Value of Festival Experiences: the Case of Serralves em Festa! International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 9(3), 279-296.
Pinho, M., & Borges, A. P. (2018). A three-country survey of public attitudes towards the use of rationing criteria to prioritise care among patients. International Journal of Ethics and Systems 34, (4), 472-492. doi:10.1108/IJOES-06-2018-0092.
Pinho, M., & Borges, A. P. (2018). Economic decisions about whom to treat when resources are not enough for all. Evidence from a Spanish survey. Revista de Salud Pública, 20(5), 584-590.
Borges, A. P., Rodrigues, P. & Matias, Á. (2016). Customer satisfaction and spending behaviour at music festivals: The optimus primavera sound case study. Tourism Economics, 22(4), 825-836.
Rodrigues, P., & Borges, A. P. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and its impact on consumer decision making. Social Responsibility Journal, 11(4), 690-701.

Books and Book Chapters
Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., Borges, A.P., Brochado, A., & Barbosa, I. (2023). Human(oid): Virtual Social Media Influencers. In R. Bansal, S.A. Qalati, & A. Chakir (Eds.), Influencer Marketing Applications Within the Metaverse (pp.1-12). IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-6684-8898-0.ch001
Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., Ferreira, B., Borges, A. P., & Martins, C. (2023). Complexity of Individual Choice Between the Public and Private Healthcare Sectors. In U. Comite (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Complexities, Management, and Governance in Healthcare (pp. 195-215). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-6044-3.ch014
Rodrigues P., Gómez-Suárez M., Brochado A., Veloso M., Borges A. P., & Matias Á. (2022). COVID Crisis and the Impact on Smart Tourism, Sustainable Development and Local Communities. In Vrontis D., Thrassou A., Weber Y., Shams S.M.R., Tsoukatos E., & Efthymiou L. (Eds.), Business Under Crisis, Volume III. Palgrave Studies in Cross-disciplinary Business Research, In Association with EuroMed Academy of Business. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76583-5_7
Rodrigues, P. C., & Pinto Borges, A. (2021) (forthcoming). Anxiety During the Pandemic: The Perceptions of Health Importance, Health Knowledge, and Health Consciousness. In ¿. Omeraki Çekirdekci, Ö. ¿ngün Kark¿¿, & S. Gönülta¿ (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Threats and Impacts of Pandemics. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8674-7.ch021
Rodrigues, P. C., & Pinto Borges, A. (2021) (forthcoming). Anxiety During the Pandemic: The Perceptions of Health Importance, Health Knowledge, and Health Consciousness. In ¿. Omeraki Çekirdekci, Ö. ¿ngün Kark¿¿, & S. Gönülta¿ (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Threats and Impacts of Pandemics. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8674-7.ch021
Rodrigues, P., Gómez, M., Veloso, M., Brochado, A., Matias, A., Borges, A.P., (2021). COVID-19 Crisis and Impacts on Local Communities, Sustainable Development and Smart Tourism. forthcoming chapter in Business Under Crisis: Contextual Transformations and Organisational Adaptations, Palgrave Studies in Cross-Disciplinary Business Research, In Association with EuroMed Academy of Business.
Borges, A.P., Brandão, A., Coelho, A., Martins, C., Alves, G., Remondes, J., Santos, J. & Rodrigues, P. (2019). Marketing Aplicado à Moda Portuguesa. Chiado Editora
Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. P., & Rodrigues, P. (2018). The Importance of Events to Promote the Tourism: Case study of the "Essence of Wine". In M. A. Camilleri, (Eds.), The Branding of Tourist Destinations (chapter 8). Emerald Publishing.
Borges, A.P., Vieira, E. & Rodrigues, P. (2018). Branding Porto: A Case Study of the 'Essence of Wine'. In Camilleri, M.A. (Eds.), The Branding of Tourist Destinations: Theoretical and Empirical Insights (pp. 129-146) Emerald Publishing Limited.

Conferences/Workshops and Communications
Borges, A. P., Vieira, E., & Nadais, C. (2022). How Important Events and Their Environmental Practices are to Visitors: The Case of Serralves em Festa!. In A. D. Saputro et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism (ICOSEAT 2022) (pp. 858¿867). Advances in Biological Sciences Research. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-086-2_114
Sousa, A., Vieira, E., Rodrigues, P. & Borges, A.P. (2021). E-commerce before, during and after confinement: consumer tendencies in three countries. In Proceedings of BAM2021 Conference: Recovering from Covid: Responsible Management and Reshaping the Economy, from the 31th August - 3rd September (Virtual)
Borges, A. P. & Derom, S. (2021). Communication Channels with Music Festival Audiences: The case of NOS Primavera Sound. Abstracts published at Proceedings International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Lopes de Almeida, A., Vieira, E. & Borges, A. (2021). Audience segmentation and communicating towards a Music Festival ¿ the NOS Primavera Sound. Proceedings 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (pp. 287-295).
Lopes de Almeida, A., Vieira, E. & Borges, A. (2021). Targeting audience attending a Music Festival ¿ Evidence from NOS Primavera Sound. Proceedings International Tourism and Hospitality Management Workshop (pp. 76-77).
Borges, A. P., Cunha, C. & Lopes, J. (2021). The influence of the Factors Push and Pull in the Intention to Return to the Musical Event: The Essential Information to Define Marketing Strategies. Abstract published at Proceedings International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management
Reis, A.M., Vieira, E., Borges A.P. (2020). Determinants of tourist expenditure: the role of tourist experiences in the city of Porto. Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management.
Devrisashvili, G. & Borges, A. P. (2020). Consumer behavior before, during and after at the time covid-19: an application to Georgia. Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management.
Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. & Lopes, J. (2020). The role of the sociodemographic and emotional intelligence profile of tourists in the intention to return to a destination. Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management.
Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., Martins, C. & Guerreiro, M. (2020). Authenticity as an antecedent of brand image in a positive emotional consumer relationship: the case of craft beer brand. Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management.
Nadais, C., Vieira, E. & Borges, A., P. (2020). The importance of sustainability issues at events and the intention to return. Abstract published at Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Business and Management.
Pinho, M. & Borges, A. P. (2020) The rationing principles evaluate by angolan physician and nurses. Abstract published at Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Business and Management.
Vieira, E., Borges, A. P. & Rodrigues, P. (2020). The happiness with destination and its influence on length of stay. Abstract published at Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management
Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Vieira, E. P. (2019). Determinants of length of stay: the case of Portugal Rally - Porto street stage. Proceedings Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (pp. 206-207).
Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. P., Rodrigues, P., & Gomes, S. (2019). Tangible and Intangible factors as Determinants of Length of stay in a Touristic Destination. Proceedings Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (pp. 14-17).
Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. P., Rodrigues, P., & Tavares, V. (2019). Evaluation of the brand of a regional food product. Abstract published at Proceedings International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (pp. 204-205).
Borges, A. P. e Vieira, B. M. (2018). Perceived influence of social media in consumer behavior: the case of Portuguese tourists. Abstracts published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management, (pp. 37-38).
Rodrigues, P. & Borges, A. P. (2018). Negative Emotions toward a Financial Brand: The case of CGD. Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management.
Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. & Rodrigues, P. (2018). Engagement and Social Responsibility with a Tourist destination: the case of City of Porto. Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management
Reis, A.M., Vieira, E., Borges A.P. (2018). Should there be limits to public health expenditures? Who decides?. Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management.

Other Publications
Borges, A. P. (2020, May). The economic downturn and opportunities in the labour market). Vida Económica.
Borges, A. P. (2019, September). Porto, the city that is fashionable with happy tourists. Vida Económica.
Borges, A. P. (2017, September). Word-of-month electronic and of destinations, a strategic tool. Vida económica.

Professional Experience
Scientific Coordinator of the Research Centre in Business Sciences and Tourism of the Consuelo Vieira da Costa Foundation (CICET - FCVC), since 2020.
Coordinator of the Research Coordination Office of ISAG, since 2020.
Executive Coordinator of ISAG's Research Center (NIDISAG), from 2014 to 2020.
President of the Pedagogical Council of ISAG, since 2015.
Coordinator Professor at ISAG, since 2010.
Economist at the Health Regulatory Authority, since 2010.
Assistant Professor at Lusíada University - North, from 2012 to 2017.
Consultant in the financial area at Accenture, Consultores de Gestão, S.A, from 2003 to 2004.