The aim of the Tourism degree is to provide future graduates with academic and professional skills in the field of tourism, specifically in the various impacts of tourism and the supply of services. These skills will promote the fast and full integration of tourism graduates into working life, by creating a profile of a highly qualified professional able to face any challenge in this area of activity.
1st Year >
2nd Year >
3rd Year
ECTS | Contact Hours (classes) | Overall Hours | |
Tourism Economics | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Management of Tourism Organisations and Companies | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Technical Tourism English I | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Principles of Tourism | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Foreign Language I - German (Optional)* | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Foreign Language I - Spanish (Optional)* | 6 | 45 | 160 |
*Choose one of the two options
ECTS | Contact Hours (classes) | Overall Hours | |
Geography of Tourism | 6 | 45 | 160 |
History of Civilisations, Art and Heritage | 5 | 37,5 | 134 |
Technical English for Tourism II | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Research Methodologies in Tourism | 5 | 37,5 | 134 |
Leisure Sociology | 4 | 30 | 106 |
Foreign Language II - German (Optional)* | 4 | 30 | 106 |
Foreign Language II - Spanish (Optional)* | 4 | 30 | 106 |
*Choose one of the two options
ECTS | Contact Hours (classes) | Overall Hours | |
Attracting and Retaining Talent in Tourism | 5 | 37,5 | 134 |
Tourism Law and Legislation | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Handling in Transport and Hospitality | 5 | 37,5 | 134 |
Technical English for Tourism III | 4 | 30 | 106 |
Tourism Planning and Sustainable Development | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Foreign Language III - German (Optional)* | 4 | 30 | 106 |
Foreign Language III - Spanish (Optional)* | 4 | 30 | 106 |
*Choose one of the two option
ECTS | Contact Hours (classes) | Overall Hours | |
Tourist Accommodation Management | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Guides, Accessibility and Itineraries | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Technical Tourism English IV | 4 | 30 | 106 |
Tourism Products | 5 | 37,5 | 134 |
Protocol, Culture and Ethics in Tourism | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Foreign Language IV - German (Optional)* | 3 | 22,5 | 80 |
Foreign Language IV - Spanish (Optional)* | 3 | 22,5 | 80 |
*Choose one of the two options
ECTS | Contact Hours (classes) | Overall Hours | |
Animation and Management of Tourist Events | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Tourism and Digital Marketing | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Multimedia Content Production and E-Tourism Management | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Techniques and Systems for Travel Agencies and Tour Operators | 6 | 45 | 160 |
ECTS | Contact Hours (classes) | Overall Hours | |
Tourism Destination Management | 6 | 45 | 160 |
Financial Management Applied to Tourism | 4 | 30 | 106 |
Internship (Optional)* | 20 | 480 | 534 |
Project Work (Optional)* | 20 | 480 | 534 |
*Choose one of the two options
General Criteria
Admission Exams
Scholarships & Funding
Application Conditions
Students who fulfil all of the following conditions can submitt their application:
- Holder of a high school diploma or legally equivalent qualification;
- To take, or have taken in the last two years, the national exam corresponding to the admission exams required for this course, with a minimum grade of 95 points (on a scale of 0 to 200);
- Have obtained a minimum score of 100 points in the application grade.
Admission Criteria
- The application for the National Call is based on the Application Score (in descending order);
- The application grade is a score on a scale of 0 to 200 points (rounded to the nearest tenth) and the candidate must have a score of 100 points or more;
- It is calculated using the following formula: secondary school classification × 0.65 + classification of the required entrance exam × 0.35;
- Applications: January 20 to October 26.
Application documents
The application/admission process must be filled out with:
- Completed application form (provided by ISAG - online form);
- Traced copy of the front and back of the identification document (ID, Citizen's Card, or Passport), with due consent of the holder, for data validation;
- ENES form issued by the school where the national exams were taken;
- Copy of the Vaccination Card, with the tetanus vaccine, with due consent of the holder, for data validation (to be presented at the time of enrolment).
Replacement of Admission Exam - Foreign High School - Article 20º A
According to Article 20º-A of Decree-Law No. 296-A/98, foreign high school students can ask for their admission exams to be replaced by final exams in foreign high school subjects, on the condition that:
- Are of national level or, if taken at local level, are recognized at national level;
- The subjects are similar to the admission exams required for the course to which they are applying;
- Have obtained a minimum score of 95 points on a scale of 0 to 200 points in the final exam or exams;
- The exams have the same validity as the Portuguese admission exams: they are valid for the year in which they are taken and for the following 2 years;
- Homologous subjects are those which, even if they have different names, have an identical level, identical objectives and similar content to the syllabus of the entrance exam or set of entrance exams they are intended to replace.- Documentation required for enrollment in addition to that mentioned in the application documents:- Diploma or certificate of completion of foreign secondary education with the final classification of the course and with the classifications obtained in the final exams of terminal subjects of foreign secondary education that are intended to replace the entrance exams, authenticated by the consular services or
embassies of Portugal based in the country to which the qualification relates or with the Apostille of the Hague Convention. If issued in a language other than Portuguese or English, a translation of the above document must be provided by an officially recognized entity;
- Proof of equivalence of foreign high school education to Portuguese high school education (obtained at a Portuguese high school), with the final classification of the course (on a scale of 0 to 200 points);
- Application form to replace Admission Exams with Foreign Final Exams (provided by ISAG);
Application Conditions
The Special Regime for over 23 years refers to the tests specially designed to assess the ability of candidates over 23 years of age to attend higher education.
- Candidates must be over 23 years of age (completed by December 31st of the year preceding the competition);
- Do not hold a higher education qualification;
- Interview to assess motivations and suitability of application;
- Assessment and grading of curriculum vitae;
- Written test of knowledge and skills, on one of the main scientific areas of the program which the candidate is applying for.
Admission Criteria
- Submission of the application for the available vacancies, through the special calls, with a minimum score of 10;
- Calculation of the final classification: Written exam: 30%, Assessment of CV: 40%; Assessment of interview: 30%.
- Candidates with a final score of 10 or more will be ranked;
- Candidates will be ranked in descending order of their final score until all available vacancies are filled.
- Application deadline: January 20th to October 13th.
Application documents
- Traced copy of the front and back of the identification document (ID, Citizen's Card, or Passport), with due consent of the holder, for data validation;
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae, with professional experience;
- Statements issued by employers identifying the job, position and period of employment;
- Document(s) proving qualifications and all additional training;
- Copy of the Vaccination Card, with the tetanus vaccine, with due consent of the holder, for data validation (to be presented at the time of enrolment).
Application Conditions
- Re-entry is the act by which a student, after interrupting their studies at a higher education institution/course pair, enrolls at the same institution and enrolls in the same or a successor course.
- Transfers & Changes of institution/course pair is the act by which a student enrolls and/or registers in an institution/course pair different from the one(s) in which, in previous academic years, he/she registered, and there may or may not be an interruption in studies.
Admission Criteria
Students can apply for re-entry if they:
- Have been enrolled and registered in study cycles leading to the diploma of Higher Professional Technician, the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree at ISAG;
- Have not been enrolled in the academic year prior to the one in which they wish to re-enter.
Students can apply to change to an ISAG course if they:
- Have been enrolled and registered in another institution/course and have not completed it;
- Have taken the national high school examinations corresponding to the entrance exams set by ISAG for that year, under the general access regime;
- Have, in these exams, the minimum classification required by ISAG for that year, under the general access regime*.
The regime for changing institution/course also applies to students who have been enrolled and registered at a foreign higher education institution on a course defined as higher education by the legislation of the country in question and have not completed it.
The change of institution/course is not allowed for ISAG bachelor’s degrees courses.
In the academic year in which the student has been placed in a higher education course/institution under any access and entry regime and has enrolled and registered, changing course/institution is not allowed.
Application documents
- An Authorisation Form addressed to the Scientific Council, written in accordance with the ISAG regulations for this purpose;
- Traced copy of the front and back of the identification document (ID, Citizen's Card, or Passport), with due consent of the holder, for data validation;
- Copy of the Vaccination Card, with the tetanus vaccine, with due consent of the holder, for data validation (to be presented at the time of enrolment).
Transfers & Changes:
- Traced copy of the front and back of the identification document (ID, Citizen's Card, or Passport), with due consent of the holder, for data validation;
- An Authorisation Form addressed to the Scientific Council, written in accordance with the ISAG regulations for this purpose;
- Proof of enrolment and registration from the higher education establishment where you were enrolled;
- ENES form for the year of application to higher education;
- Higher Education Certificate, indicating the curricular units taken, grades and number of ECTS;
- Authenticated syllabus of the curricular units, with the respective workload;
- Copy of the Vaccination Card, with the tetanus vaccine, with due consent of the holder, for data validation (to be presented at the time of enrolment).
Applications for a Course Change may be submitted at any time during the academic year whenever the Scientific Council considers that the conditions for the applicant's integration into the course in question exist or can be created.
Application Conditions
ISAG accepts applications from candidates who hold dual certification and specialised art courses that fall within the areas of education and training of the national classification of areas of education and training (CNAEF) that correspond to the areas of the first cycles they are applying for, as set out in the list established by CNAES. Applications for an ISAG bachelor's degree course are made directly to the institution. The special call for applications is open to holders of dual certification high school courses and specialised artistic courses who hold the following dual certification high school educational and training offers, conferring a level 4 qualification from the National Qualifications Framework:
- Vocational courses and scientific-technological courses/courses with their own plans;
- Learning courses;
- Education and training courses for young people;
- Courses within the sector of the Turismo de Portugal, I. P. network of schools;
- Specialised artistic courses;
- Vocational training courses under the Youth Insertion Training Programme of the Autonomous Region of the Azores;
- Specialised artistic courses at high-school level in the area of music;
- EU Member State courses, legally equivalent to Portuguese high school education, conferring double certification, school and professional, and conferring level 4;
- Other non-Portuguese courses, legally equivalent, conferring double school and professional certification (for candidates with Portuguese nationality).
Admission Criteria
The evaluation of the application to an ISAG bachelor degree course includes the assessment of the student's ability to attend it, under the following terms:
a) With a weighting of 50 per cent, the final classification of the course obtained by the student;
b) With a weighting of 20 per cent, the grades obtained:
i) In the professional competency test, in the case of vocational course holders;
ii) In the final competency test, in the case of learning course graduates;
iii) In the final assessment test, in the case of holders of education and training courses for young people;
iv) In the final assessment tests of the modules included in the curricular plans of the courses organised in accordance with Ministerial Order no. 57/2009, of January 21, in its current wording, in the case of holders of these courses;
v) In the final assessment tests of tourism skills of the courses organised in accordance with the ordinance of the members of the Government responsible for the areas of tourism, education and vocational training, in the case of holders of sectoral courses of the Turismo de Portugal I. P. network of schools. P.;
vi) In the artistic competency test, in the case of holders of specialised artistic courses;
vii) In the final assessment test, in the case of vocational training course holders within the scope of the Youth Insertion Training Programme of the Autonomous Region of the Azores.
c) With a weighting of 30 per cent, the classification of the theoretical or practical test taken at ISAG to assess the knowledge and skills considered indispensable for entry and progression on the course to which students are applying.
Access and admission under the special call depends on the candidate obtaining a score of 95 points or more, on a scale of 0 to 200 points, in each of the assessment elements referred to in the previous paragraph.
Application documents
- An Authorisation Form addressed to the Scientific Council, written in accordance with the ISAG regulations for this purpose;
- Traced copy of the front and back of the identification document (ID, Citizen's Card, or Passport), with due consent of the holder, for data validation;
- Certificate proving that you hold the respective qualification and the grade obtained in the Portuguese secondary level course, in the CNAEF areas provided;
- Certificate of the final assessment/aptitude tests of the respective course;
- Copy of the Vaccination Card, with the tetanus vaccine, with due consent of the holder, for data validation (to be presented at the time of enrolment).
Application Conditions
The holder of a Higher Professional Technical Course Diploma (DTSP) can apply and enrol in an ISAG bachelor’s degree through a special call.
Admission Criteria
The special call for Higher Professional Technical Course Diploma holders covers students who:
- Hold a DTSP and wish to apply for a bachelor’s degree with an identified correspondence to the CNAEF areas of the HTPC courses;
- Have taken a specific entrance exam at ISAG to access the course they are applying for and have obtained a mark of not less than 95 points in this exam;
- Are not covered by the international student status;
- Students may be exempt from taking the specific entrance exam if, cumulatively:
+ Have completed the HTPC at ISAG and,
+ Have passed, within the scope of the Higher Professional Technical Course, curricular units in the field of subjects that make up the specific entrance exam, with the appropriate level for progression to the undergraduate study cycle.
Application documents
- An Authorisation Form addressed to the Scientific Council, written in accordance with the ISAG regulations for this purpose;
- Traced copy of the front and back of the identification document (ID, Citizen's Card, or Passport), with due consent of the holder, for data validation;
- Diploma of the completed Higher Professional Technical Course with detailed description of the curricular units and the final average;
- Copy of the Vaccination Card, with the tetanus vaccine, with due consent of the holder, for data validation (to be presented at the time of enrolment).
Application Conditions
- Holders of a Technological Specialisation Diploma (DET) can apply and enrol in an ISAG bachelor’s degree through a special call.
Admission Criteria
The special call for Technological Specialisation Diploma holders covers students who:
- Hold a DET and wish to apply for a bachelor’s degree with an identified correspondence to the CNAEF areas of the CET courses;
- Have taken a specific entrance exam at ISAG to access the course they are applying for and have obtained a mark of not less than 95 points in this exam;
- Are not covered by the international student statute.
Application documents
- An Authorisation Form addressed to the Scientific Council, written in accordance with the ISAG regulations for this purpose;
- Traced copy of the front and back of the identification document (ID, Citizen's Card, or Passport), with due consent of the holder, for data validation;
- Diploma of the completed Technological Specialisation Course with detailed description of the curricular units and the final average;
- Copy of the Vaccination Card, with the tetanus vaccine, with due consent of the holder, for data validation (to be presented at the time of enrolment).
Application Conditions
The special call for holders of other Degrees covers students who:
- Hold a baccalaureate, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree;
- Hold a degree in Primary Teaching, Childhood Educators and General Nursing*;
- Are not covered by the international student statute.
* as long as they can simultaneously prove that they have completed a course of high school, complementary high school or the 10th/11th years of schooling.
Admission Criteria
- Candidates covered by this admission regime can apply for any degree course;
- Candidates will be ranked in descending order of their final grade in their degree course.
Application documents
- An Authorisation Form addressed to the Scientific Council, written in accordance with the ISAG regulations for this purpose;
- Traced copy of the front and back of the identification document (ID, Citizen's Card, or Passport), with due consent of the holder, for data validation;
- Document proving that you have a higher education degree or equivalent or that a foreign higher education degree has been recognised, with the respective final classification;
- Copy of the Vaccination Card, with the tetanus vaccine, with due consent of the holder, for data validation (to be presented at the time of enrolment).
Application Conditions
This Special Regime is for international students who are:
- National students from countries outside the European Union.
- Non-EU citizens can attend ISAG as international students. The access procedures for international students are different, depending on the cycle of studies they wish to apply for.
Students can apply for a degree course if they:
- Are not Portuguese nationals;
- Are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union;
- Are not family members of Portuguese citizens or citizens of a member state of the European Union;
- They have not been legally resident in Portugal for more than two years, uninterruptedly, on 1st January of the year in which they intend to enter ISAG, and their time of residence for study does not count for this purpose;
- Are not beneficiaries, on 1st January of the year in which they intend to enter, of equal rights and duties status granted under an international treaty between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are a national.
Admission Criteria
International students who fulfil the following conditions may apply for the places available on the degree programs at ISAG:
- Hold a qualification giving access to higher education, understood as any diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority attesting to having passed an educational programme that gives them the right to apply for and enter higher education in the country in which it was awarded;
- Hold a Portuguese high school diploma or a legally equivalent qualification.
Entry conditions:
- Verification of the specific academic qualification for entry to the study cycle, through a written examination, carried out in the language in which the study cycle is taught;
- Verification of knowledge of the Portuguese language.
Application documents
- A copy of the personal identification document or passport, which expressly states the applicant's nationality;
- A personal statement, made on honour, that the applicant does not have Portuguese nationality and is not covered by any of the conditions that do not grant him/her the status of International Student;
- Document proving completion of Portuguese high school education or equivalent, or,
- If it does not correspond to Portuguese high school education, a document proving that it provides access to higher education in the country in which it was obtained, indicating the final classification and the grading scale in which it is expressed.
-The documents must be legalised by a Portuguese consular agent or by the Hague Apostille, these legalisations being carried out in the country of origin of the documents.
One of the following exams:
(09) Geography
(13) English
(18) Portuguese
*with a minimum grade of 95 points.
- A scholarship is an annual cash payment to help cover the costs of attending a course or doing a compulsory professional internship, awarded by the state on a non-repayable basis whenever the student's household does not have an adequate minimum level of financial resources.
- The conditions for awarding scholarships are defined in the legislation currently in force, namely in the Regulations for Awarding Scholarships to Higher Education Students, available at www.dges.gov.pt.
- Scholarships can be awarded under the social support system for attending courses at higher education institutions to students enrolled in:
- Professional higher technical courses;
- Degree courses;
- Master's degree courses.
- Scholarships can also be awarded to bachelor's or master's degree holders who, within 24 months of obtaining their degree, are undertaking a professional traineeship for the exercise of a profession.
For more information, you can contact ISAG's Social Action Office by e-mailing servicos.academicos@isag.pt or calling 220 303 200.
You can also consult the following link: https://www.dges.gov.pt/pt/pagina/bolsas-de-estudo
- ISAG-European Business School offers a 50% reduction in the basic tuition fee for Bachelor's and Master's degrees to all students entering through the general system (1st year, 1st time) with an average score of 160 or higher.
- In subsequent years the student must maintain or exceed the average, otherwise the right to the Consuelo Vieira da Costa Merit Scholarship will cease;
- The Consuelo Vieira da Costa Merit Scholarship cannot be combined with other commercial or financial campaigns in force;
- The payment method can be up to 10 monthly installments (1st year);
- The scholarship must be applied for at the time of application.
Those interested can apply for the Porto de Conhecimento scholarships if, cumulatively:
Applicants for the Porto de Conhecimento scholarships must send their application form (template available at www.porto.pt) to educacao@cm-porto.pt by August 11th, together with a copy of the following documents:
For the 2024/2025 academic year, the Consuelo Vieira da Costa Foundation grants: