
+40 ANOS



Licenciaturas de Gestão de Empresas e Turismo no Norte de Portugal


Licenciatura de Gestão em Inglês do Norte de Portugal

+20 000



É com muito gosto que lhe dou as boas vindas ao sítio WEB do ISAG, através do qual espero que possa facilmente conhecer a nossa Instituição.

Esta "porta de entrada" do ISAG destina-se a todos os membros da nossa comunidade escolar, alunos, docentes, e colaboradores, que, através das respetivas chaves de acesso, poderão interagir com os serviços pedagógicos, administrativos e órgãos de gestão da Escola.

Mas também se dirige a qualquer "navegador" do ciberespaço interessado em conhecer o ISAG, designadamente, o candidato a aluno que, por esta via, poderá ter contacto virtual com esta instituição, que é uma das mais antigas e prestigiadas do Norte de Portugal.

Contudo, estou convicto de que, apesar dos nossos esforços permanentes de inovação e atualização tecnológica, existirão sempre dúvidas por esclarecer e assuntos que, no contexto deste sítio, poderão ter uma solução menos eficiente.
Assim, tenho o prazer de o(a) convidar a fazer uma visita às instalações do ISAG, para conhecer direta e pessoalmente a nossa realidade, que nos distingue das outras Escolas congéneres, ou então, a participar nas inúmeras iniciativas programadas e oportunamente divulgadas.

Sempre que o entender, contacte-nos através do e-mail , pelo telefone 220 303 200, ou via fax 226 002 748.

Afinal, não haverá nada como um contacto direto e pessoal, em complemento deste contacto virtual, para ficar a conhecer genuinamente uma instituição como o ISAG.



ISAG's vision is to be recognized as the best business and tourism school in Portugal and as a benchmark for teaching excellence at an international level.
Through the continuous innovation of its training offer, applied research, creativity and entrepreneurship, and the development of hard and soft skills through unique, relevant and inclusive teaching experiences that prepare students for the challenges and professions of the future, it aims to have a transformative impact on society.



ISAG's mission is based on contributing to the competitiveness of people and organizations through the creation of innovative knowledge and the higher education of professionals with a global vision of business and management, based on solid ethical training.



ISAG fulfills its institutional mission based on the following set of core values:1. 
Diversity and Globality: ISAG believes in diversity and globality, arguing that a teaching and knowledge production environment free of prejudice and any kind of discrimination, in which there is room for different opinions, teaching and learning styles, contributes to leveraging people's potential; 

2. Innovation: Only through innovation is it possible to develop solutions to problems. ISAG believes that it is essential to provide an environment that develops students' and teachers' ability to create and innovate in the teaching, learning and research process; 

3. Entrepreneurial Spirit: The entrepreneurial capacity to do and make things happen is indispensable for generating change and pushing organizations and society to greater heights. Associated with entrepreneurial capacity is the ability to lead, to generate mobilizing energy to bring ideas, projects and objectives to fruition; 

4. Rigour and Relevance: ISAG is committed to rigour and relevance, so everything it does must be done well and have a real and visible impact on students, organizations and society. This conviction is conveyed to students through the attitude of the institution's teaching staff and other employees; 

5. Ethics and Responsibility: Any organization creates social impact through its actions and must be guided in its thinking and actions by irreproachable ethical principles.Preparing future professionals to make thoughtful and transparent decisions, based on socially correct practices, is fundamental and transversal to all ISAG training.


Our educational approach, our values and our goals, as well as our innovative methodology and curricula promote critical thinking and creativity. This transformative journey prepares our students for the challenges of the modern world.  


Find out all about our Governance Model

With a solid and transparent structure, our model promotes academic excellence, innovation and integrity. Guided by ethical values, we are committed to providing a dynamic and inclusive learning environment, where the personal and professional future of our students is the main focus.


Through institutional documents we define our values, our policies and our procedures. From statutes to regulations, we promote transparent and easy access to essential guidelines. The documents reflect our commitment to excellence and effective management.