Planning, implementing and coordinating, in collaboration with the company's management bodies, production activities and the equipment, materials and human resources assigned to the production process, with a view to optimising production and organisational competitiveness.
1st Year >
2nd Year
ECTS | Horas Contacto | Horas Totais | |
Economia | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Fundamentos de Gestão Aplicados à Indústria | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Informática de Gestão | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Inglês Técnico | 6,0 | 45 | 160 |
Introdução aos Processos de Fabrico | 6,0 | 45 | 160 |
Matemáticas Aplicadas | 4,0 | 45 | 160 |
ECTS | Horas Contacto | Horas Totais | |
Análise e Controlo de Custos | 6,0 | 45 | 160 |
Bases de Dados e Business Analytics | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Comportamento Organizacional | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Economia Industrial e Digital | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Gestão da Qualidade | 6,0 | 45 | 160 |
Gestão de Projetos Industriais | 6,0 | 45 | 160 |
ECTS | Horas Contacto | Horas Totais | |
Desenho Técnico e do Projeto | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Ergonomia, Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Gestão da Energia | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Investigação Operacional | 6,0 | 45 | 160 |
Logística | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Sistemas Informáticos de Suporte à Produção | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
Transformação Digital na Indústria e Internet das Coisas | 4,0 | 30 | 107 |
ECTS | Horas Contacto | Horas Totais | |
Estágio | 30,0 | 800 |
General Criteria
Scholarships & Funding
Who can apply to this course:
- Holders of a high school diploma or legally equivalent qualification;
- Holders of a Level 4 vocational high school course;
- Holders of a technological specialisation diploma (CET);
- Holders of a higher education degree who wish to retrain;
- Those who have passed the specially appropriate tests designed to assess the ability of people over 23 to attend higher education;
If candidates do not fulfil the entry requirements, they can acquire them by passing an entrance exam, whose knowledge and skills corresponds to the level of high school level in the area(s) relevant to each course. The entrance exam is written, or written and oral, and is organised for each course or set of courses. The ability assessment test for candidates who have not completed high school is written, or written and oral, under the terms set out in the regulations for ISAG's Higher Technical Professional Courses.
The ability assessment test is based on the knowledge and skills corresponding to the level of high school, in one of the areas defined for the course:
• Phone: 00351 220 303 200
• E-mail: ingressos@isag.pt
• Schedule: 9:00 am until 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm until 7:30 pm
- A scholarship is an annual cash payment to help cover the costs of attending a course or doing a compulsory professional internship, awarded by the state on a non-repayable basis whenever the student's household does not have an adequate minimum level of financial resources.
- The conditions for awarding scholarships are defined in the legislation currently in force, namely in the Regulations for Awarding Scholarships to Higher Education Students, available at www.dges.gov.pt.
- Scholarships can be awarded under the social support system for attending courses at higher education institutions to students enrolled in:
- Professional higher technical courses;
- Degree courses;
- Master's degree courses.
- Scholarships can also be awarded to bachelor's or master's degree holders who, within 24 months of obtaining their degree, are undertaking a professional traineeship for the exercise of a profession.
For more information, you can contact ISAG's Social Action Office by e-mailing servicos.academicos@isag.pt or calling 220 303 200.
You can also consult the following link: https://www.dges.gov.pt/pt/pagina/bolsas-de-estudo
Those interested can apply for the Porto de Conhecimento scholarships if, cumulatively:
Applicants for the Porto de Conhecimento scholarships must send their application form (template available at www.porto.pt) to educacao@cm-porto.pt by August 11th, together with a copy of the following documents:
For the 2024/2025 academic year, the Consuelo Vieira da Costa Foundation grants:
- ISAG's CTeSP Scholarship is awarded to the top 3 students from the partner high school according to ISAG's selection criteria.
- Conditions: 50% reduction in tuition fees for the 1st year and subsequent years if the student passes the 60 ECTS that make up the curricular year.