
MBA Executive programme

Executive, solid and selective programs. It’s a combination of theory and practice. Programs developed by an institution with experience and quality. Contact with experts, who will provide insights into the best practices of national and international companies. Preparation to take on a higher level of responsibility. Use of concepts, tools and practices around new trends.

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    294 hours - 49 ECTS

  • Data inicio

    january, 2024

  • Data candidatura

    may 31st, 2023

  • Pós-Laboral

    (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) 7 pm to 11pm ; (Saturday) 9 am to 13 pm

  • Idioma


  • Tipologia

    Online Programme

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Our executive programs are known for their solid and selective nature, offering a unique combination of theory and practice.


With a strong emphasis on practical application, our programs provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to address real-world challenges. Through case studies, interactive sessions and focus groups, students are encouraged to apply what they have learned in real business ocasions.


O estudante deverá ser capaz de:

  • Prepare for the exercise of executive management functions in SMEs and large companies with solid preparation in various areas of management.
  • Develop leadership skills essential for any executive manager. Train professionals combining national specificities with the international and global environment.

Saídas Profissionais

Head Manager
Executive Director
Operations Director

Plano de Estudo

1º Ano

  ECTS Horas Contacto Horas Totais
Strategy 3 18 80
Finances 3 18 80
Marketing Management 3 18 80
Management Skills 3 18 80
Digital Transformation in Business 3 18 80
Business Analytics and Data Science 3 18 80

"(...) no primeiro encontro levei-a ao meu local de trabalho e fiz-lhe uma visita do hotel. Tem sido uma experiência muito interessante."

Marina Borges


“O programa de Mentoring do ISAG abriu me portas para a realidade do mundo do trabalho. Com a ajuda da minha mentora consegui perceber as melhores formas de ingressar no mundo de trabalho, qual a melhor estrutura de um CV e as melhores opções de estágio e emprego. O programa de Mentoring trouxe-me uma luz para me guiar no caminho da faculdade e no pós faculdade, tendo alguém da área a apoiar no percurso. Para além da ajuda no mundo do trabalho, a mentora ajudou-me no percurso académico ao nível dos trabalhos práticos e estudo de exames.”

Eduarda Costa

Mentee 1ª edição

“Ao abrigo do Programa de Mentoria do ISAG, escolhi um Mentor para me acompanhar e guiar neste que é o trajeto relacionado com a passagem do mundo académico para o mundo profissional. Sem ter a plena noção da escolha, acabei por escolher provavelmente o melhor mentor possível. Espero que nos próximos programas (…) todos tenham a mesma sorte que eu tive.”

Pedro Ribeiro

Mentee 1ª edição

"Muito interessante esta experiência com dois Mentees com necessidades completamente diferentes. Foi um desafio para mim, tendo em conta que nunca estive no papel de mentor propriamente dito. Acompanhar duas personalidades opostas e ajudá-las no caminho foi enriquecedor."

Paulo Lima


"Aprendi muito com o Mentee, tenho passado a minha experiência, mas acredito que quem mais aprendeu com esta experiência fui eu!"

Nelson Faria


"Participating in the Erasmus program in Portugal is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Personally, I recommend going to ISAG, because of the numerous programs it offers, the always friendly and helpful professors and the amazing community it fosters. It is also a fantastic way to learn about new cultures and grow as a person while meeting new individuals from various backgrounds."

Mate Bujdoso


"I really adore this university because of the flexibility we get. You have time to explore whole Portugal while studying in a really colorful international environment. Both of the professors and university mates have met with my expectations here."

Petra Bokros

Budapest Business School, Hungary

"Having Erasmus in porto is one of the best decisions I have ever made. The professors in ISAG are so helpful. Porto is so safe, and they value the students a lot. There are many festivals and parties exclusively for students. If you are looking for a city where to study and have fun, porto is definitely the right city."

Sarra Ouni


"Being located a bit outside of the centre, ISAG is a small university with friendly staff. The facility looks really good and I personally enjoyed it a lot being there. The classrooms range from 20 – 40 students, which is gives you a feeling of familiarity because everybody knows each other. These small groups encourage you to be active during lectures, which enhances your learning possibilities. I had very positive experiences with the professors as well, because of their lecturing-style and type of contents. 
The university creates special classes, taught in English, solely for Erasmus students. The semester starts off with an orientation week. There you create your first connections with other students and get to know the city and most important things to know. Adding to that, being surrounded by other exchange students facilitates the process of making long-lasting friendships because everybody is open minded."

Sandro Mangold


"ISAG is a very welcoming place, and from the first day, I felt at home here. The university is very small and cozy, that offers you a closer relationship not only with teachers but also with your classmates. My favorite spot is our cafe, where I always relax and enjoy great coffee. The education system is less stressful than in my country and it is very important for me. The teachers are very kind, friendly and tolerant. The experience with ISAG's international office is amazing, they respond very quickly and help us in every situation. Spending my Erasmus stay right here, was my best decision."

Laura Priesterová

Czech Republic

"I had an amazing journey in ISAG, it is such a nice school, good professors, good infrastructures, in such an amazing City like Porto is. 
I made some friends here, I met amazing people from everywhere, and I enjoyed really much to study here, and I am sure that the next ones will think the same as me. 
Forever an ISAG student, and proud of it."

Jordan Domingues


Ut maximus fermentum dapibus. Nulla a pellentesque sapien. Integer congue tellus quis luctus posuere. Cras nulla mauris, ultrices et mattis non, pharetra nec mauris. Fusce placerat, felis quis condimentum consequat, velit lorem laoreet mi, ac pharetra mi sapien quis ligula. Donec nibh velit, rhoncus nec nulla at, dignissim lobortis lectus. Suspendisse ut ex viverra, luctus nisl a, tincidunt leo. Maecenas sed condimentum velit...

...Sed non ipsum ut urna congue semper in vel tortor. Maecenas eu magna in lectus porttitor auctor. Nullam aliquam massa urna, sit amet lobortis dolor mattis nec. Sed posuere a augue ac vulputate. Donec consectetur mollis nibh eu vestibulum. Vestibulum nec ante a risus faucibus mattis id et felis. Etiam ligula eros, feugiat quis felis id, porta posuere purus. Ut volutpat, libero at iaculis bibendum, magna nisl pharetra dui, ut vulputate nunc nulla eu ipsum.


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Conditions Fees

Documentation required:

  • Citizen's card (or other identification document)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Certificate of Qualifications
  • Passport photo 


  • Special conditions for students/alumni 
  • APEX Scholarships 

Application 100,00 €
Registration 200,00 €
Tuiton fee* 3 600,00 €
First phase (until 02/08) 3 600,00 €
Second phase (until 27/09) 3 960,00 €


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Relatório de Atividades e da Eficácia do Sistema Interno de Garantia da Qualidade 2020-2021

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